Author: Wayne Jackson
Some Bible students are puzzled that the writer of Hebrews uses present tense forms (8:13) to depict the passing of the Mosaic law. How are these to be explained in light of Bible teaching elsewhere that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ (Eph. 2:15)?
Author: Jason Jackson
In the book of Proverbs, Solomon examines wisdom versus foolishness. Along the way, he describes several kinds of fools. This article addresses three of these.
Author: Wayne Jackson
What happens to the "soul" at the point of death? Is it conscious, or does it exist in a state of "sleep," totally oblivious to its environment?
Author: Wayne Jackson
So many noble women have served in the kingdom of Christ. They do not fully comprehend their contribution to the Lord's servants and to his cause.
Author: Wayne Jackson
It appears that 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 conflict with reference to the age of Ahaziah. Is there a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Answer a fool. Don't answer a fool. What is the right thing to do?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Did Jesus say that the law of Moses including Sabbath observance would last until the end of the world?
Author: Wayne Jackson
While uninformed modern critics continue to question the credibility of the New Testament documents, the evidence continues to pile up which establishes their genuineness.
Author: Wayne Jackson
John 3:16 is often called the "golden text" of the Bible. Many hold this passage very dear. Tragically, the text is more often than not misunderstood. In this study, we take a close look at this amazing passage.
Author: Wayne Jackson
In this study, we would like to call attention to some biblical contrasts with reference to the matter of generosity versus stinginess. It is an enterprise which will reveal, quite astoundingly, how God views these traits.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Some, in leading prayer at the communion table, will refer to God's death. Is this appropriate? Some allege that it reflects "more reverence" to use "thee" and "thou" in prayer, rather than the terms "you" and "your." Is there validity in this observation?
Author: Wayne Jackson
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Are the days of the creation literal 24-hour days or extended ages of time? Exodus 20:8-11 provides the answer.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Pilate paraded Jesus before the crowd and exclaimed, "Behold, the man!" (Jn. 19:5). Significantly, this very phrase is found in an Old Testament prophecy that heralds the coming of Israel's Messiah.
Author: Wayne Jackson
What is the difference between the doctrines of "transubstantiation" and "consubstantiation"?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Even atheists have recognized the principle that "where there is design, there must be a designer." Now, however, with mounting evidence for design in the Universe, the skeptics are fleeing from this fundamental, logical proposition.
Author: Wayne Jackson
It is sometimes claimed that the Bible is inconsistent in its theology in that it claims infallibility for the apostles' teaching, yet acknowledges they made mistakes in their personal lives. How does one address this alleged difficulty?
Author: Wayne Jackson
Richard Dawkins, one of atheism's most vocal spokesmen, blames the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 on "religion." But the article "misfires" and leaves the Oxford professor in the lurch.
Author: Wayne Jackson
Does Paul's condemnation of sorcery include prescription drugs?
Author: Wayne Jackson
There is a vast contrast between the events associated with the beginning of Christianity, and the origins of other world religions. This brief article takes note of a major contrast between the religion founded by Christ and other systems of world religion.