
The Silence of the Scriptures: Permissive or Prohibitive?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Some allege that whatever is not expressly forbidden is allowed in religious practice. Others contend that anything not authorized is not permitted. Is there any validity to the argument from silence?

The Falwell-Gay Alliance

Author: Wayne Jackson

Jerry Falwell is calling for a more charitable view, he says, towards the "gay" community.

A Study of Biblical Types

Author: Wayne Jackson

One of the most fascinating areas of Bible study is that of typology--the study of Scripture "types."

Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament

Author: Wayne Jackson

The investigations of "higher critics" have proceeded along lines buttressed with biased presuppositions that are grossly inaccurate, and which have been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited by reputable scholars.

Eggs for Sale

Author: Wayne Jackson

Just when you think you've heard it all, something else--even more bizarre--pops up. This time it has to do with the auction of human eggs on the internet.

When a Pagan King Challenged Jehovah

Author: Wayne Jackson

Sennacherib sent a great army to Jerusalem. Through his military officials, he made a series of threats, the design of which was to bully the Hebrew king.

God Made No Distinction

Author: Wayne Jackson

Peter affirmed that God "made no distinction" between Jews and Gentiles with reference to the matter of salvation. In other words, both Jews and Gentiles were to be redeemed in precisely the same fashion.

Behold the Dreamer -- More Psychojunk

Author: Wayne Jackson

A recent writer sought to "analyze" Joseph, and has given us one more example of "science" gone askew.

Dispensationalism and Zechariah 14

Author: Wayne Jackson

Zechariah 14 has no reference whatever to a millennial reign of Christ upon the earth.

The Plague of Profanity

Author: Wayne Jackson

The saying "curse like a sailor" no longer has any meaning. Profanity has become so common, the saying might as well be, "curse like a housewife."

Anointing with Oil - James 5:14

Author: Wayne Jackson

Should elders anoint the sick with oil in connection with their prayers?

Jessie "The Body" Ventura Takes a Dive

Author: Wayne Jackson

While Mr. Ventura has enjoyed some initial popularity, his polls have taken a sharp dip.

Are Science and Faith Compatible?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Has the god of "Star Wars" replaced the God of the Bible in the minds of many?

What Does It Mean To Be a Born Again Christian?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Jesus said that unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God. So, what does it mean to be born again? Let's explore the Bible for an answer to this important question.

While He Was Yet Speaking

Author: Wayne Jackson

How do you maintain your faith in the face of personal tragedy?

The Restoration of First-Century Christianity

Author: Wayne Jackson

Should we be trying to restore the New Testament pattern of Christianity? Or should we abandon the original ideal and modernize the church to keep up with the times?

Atheistic Religion in the Classroom

Author: Wayne Jackson

In spite of frequent cries for the separation of church and state in our public school system, a great deal of religion has been smuggled in under the guise of science.

Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?

Author: Wayne Jackson

Why the Apocryphal books don't belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.

What's Wrong with the Promise Keepers Movement?

Author: Wayne Jackson

A group of men organized to form a plan to rejuvenate "Christian" men with a new spiritual emphasis. Everything came together eventually, and in 1993, Promise Keepers was born. But what's wrong with the Promise Keepers movement?

The Classification of Bible Commands

Author: Wayne Jackson

The commands found in the Bible may be classified in several ways to help our understanding.