Revelation: Jesus Christ’s Final Message of Hope

What is the most difficult verse in the book of Revelation?

There are so many … narrowing it down to one may be impossible.

Apocalyptic language can be very difficult to understand. Maybe that’s why the last book in the Bible is … for many … the most neglected, most misunderstood, and most abused book in the entire Sacred Text.

What is the secret key that unlocks the dark figures and mysterious icons recorded by the last living apostle?

How can we be comforted in times of distress by these extraordinary images?

And how can we avoid the pitfalls of strange theories regarding the end of time?

This book by Wayne Jackson will do two things for you.

First, some portions of Revelation are difficult. There is no dispute about that fact.

But even though the language is challenging, there are many valuable lessons and rich truths that can provide much-needed hope for the people of God.

This book will show you the practical value of John’s visions for your life.

And if you are teaching the book of Revelation, you can’t afford not having this book in your hands as you instruct others on the practical application of this final message of hope for God’s family.

Second, Wayne’s book will be a guide … helping you avoid the disaster of falling for false theories concocted from Christ’s end-time prophecies … perhaps some you may have already consumed!

Again, if you’re teaching this remarkable book, having ready access to an easy-to-understand resource that exposes these false ideas is invaluable to the teacher.

The book of Revelation was meant to encourage and uplift the Savior’s people in trying times. And one look at the new of today leaves no doubt that we are in trying times.

Do not neglect this book in your personal study or as the basis of teaching content.

Order your copy of Revelation: Jesus Christ’s Final Message of Hope today.

Wayne Jackson has been a prolific writer for more than a half-century, including commentaries on the New Testament, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations, Revelation, Acts, Philippians, and Paul’s Letters to Timothy and Titus.

He has also written numerous practical books on Christian apologetics, including: The Bible and Science, Creation, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth, The Human Body: Accident or Design?, and others.

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