The Plague of Perversion
A new generation has steadily accepted a deadly plague that has descended on this age.
Didn’t Paul Command, “Forbid not to speak in tongues”?
What is the meaning of Paul’s command, “Forbid not to Speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14:39)? Does this imply that the gift of tongues was to continue to the end of time?
Is Baptism a Gospel Obligation?
Some religious leaders deny that water baptism is an essential component in God’s plan for human redemption. Frequently, 1 Corinthians 1:17 is employed to argue this point. What is the truth regarding this matter?
The Wages of Sin and the Free Gift of God
An in-depth study of two contrasting ideas: what we’ve earned through sin and the free gift God has offered to humanity.
Paul’s Two-Year Roman Imprisonment
By weaving together the data found in Paul’s prison epistles, one can get some feeling for how things fared for the apostle in Rome before being imprisoned again and finally departing to be with the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.
Was Paul Mistaken in Galatians 6:10?
A Christian lady has suggested that Paul was mistaken when he recommended benevolence, first to Christian, then to non-Christians. Is the criticism reasonable?
Do Psychics Really Have Mystic Powers?
So-called “psychics” claim to have mystical powers, such as predicting what will eventually occur in one’s future. Do they really?
Did God Ask Moses To Be Deceitful?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim that God once asked Moses to act in a deceitful way when dealing with Pharaoh. Is this accusation fair?
Does the Holy Spirit’s “Searching the Mind of God” Disqualify Him as Divine?
Paul once wrote that the Holy Spirit “searches” the mind of God. Some have misused this text to suggest that the Spirit is not deity Himself. But the argument is invalid. Explore this issue with us.
Addicted to Me
Meth ... pot ... fentanyl ... or “ME”? Which addiction has more victims?
Is There a Bible Contradiction Regarding Ahaziah’s Age?
It appears that 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 conflict with reference to the age of Ahaziah. Is there a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy?
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
Reports of Evidence for the Genesis Flood
This article addresses recent reports of possible evidence in the Black Sea for the Genesis flood.
Can a Sheep Stray from the Fold?
No one can “snatch” Christ’s sheep away from him. (Jn. 10:28). But does this mean that a child of God can never fall from grace and be lost eternally?
What About Divorce?
Can You Feel the Love?
Some of the most mean-spirited people in the world are those who “ooze” with that sickening sentimentality that talks of love while demonstrating everything but. Why don’t you take a few moments and, over our shoulder, take a look at some of our mail?
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
Judge Plagiarizes ACLU Pro-evolution Meanderings
The following article by Art Moore reveals that even some judges are not above unscrupulous conduct in writing their Opinions.
Can Christians Speak in Tongues Today?
Is the gift of speaking in tongues still being given by the Holy Spirit?