Why Racists Hate Christianity
Christianity is viewed by promoters of hate and bigotry as an obstacle. Atheism, however, is not.
Terminal Illness – Living Wills
The earthly life of Terry Schiavo has ended, but the controversy that surrounded this case is far from over. How does one assess these tragic life-and-death situations which are fraught with difficult ethical questions? Ponder this issue with us in this week’s Penpoints.
The City of Hazor and Old Testament Accuracy
Archaeology once again proves the accuracy of the biblical record.
Three Quick Points from 1 Timothy 2:4
Paul encouraged Timothy to pray on behalf of all men. This brief verse contains a number of important points to note in the margin of your Bible.
2 Kings 2:23-25 – Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
Some see the case of Elisha and the lads of Bethel as conduct unworthy of a prophet of God. Several alleged problems are addressed.
1 Peter – The True Grace of God
The first epistle bearing Peter’s name speaks of “true grace.” Let us consider more closely the theme of “true grace,” for it is implied that there might be a false concept of grace.
Jesus, Cursed by God
What is the symbolic meaning behind the statement that Jesus was hung on a tree when he was actually hung on a cross?
Why Do Natural Disasters Happen?
The recent earthquake and subsequent tidal waves in the Indian Ocean have caused many to wonder why God allows such disasters to burden the earth. Is there any reasonable explanation for these events that respects the concept of the benevolence of our Creator?
Was Paul’s Reference to His Cloak a Meaningless Triviality?
Some claim that Paul’s request for his cloak was a “trivial” reference, unworthy of the claim of verbal inspiration.
Let Me Die the Death of the Righteous
When the matter is duly considered, the Bible reveals that there are some similarities and also some significant differences in the deaths of the righteous and the wicked.
Some Facts About Death
Death is a mysterious subject—one that many are ill at ease in discussing. But the Bible can provide one with an altogether different perspective.
Daniel’s Prophecies: Encouraging and Enlightening
Through divine intervention and revelation, God communicates a timeless message through the prophet Daniel – He is in charge and rules in the kingdoms of men. Combined with the book’s immense apologetic value, the study of Daniel is faith building in many respects. Our confidence in Scripture is increased; our conviction regarding God’s plan in the world is strengthened.
Anthrax, AIDS, and America
If the Anthrax threat is alarming to America, why is the nation so passive relative to the AIDS problem?
Do the Psalms Authorize Instrumental Music in Worship?
May one contend that while the “law” was abolished by the death of Christ, nonetheless, the Psalms remain; and the Psalms provide authority for worshipping God with instruments of music?
Romans 8:21 — Creation Delivered
In what sense will the “creation” be delivered from corruption? Does the creation itself, including the stars, planets, rocks and trees, really long for the return of Christ?
2 Thessalonians 2:3 — The Falling Away
This context has been the subject of great controversy. What exactly is th “falling away” and who is the “man of sin”?
Must Terminally Ill Christians Artificially Prolong Life?
Must terminally ill Christians artificially prolong life?
To What Law Were the Ancient Gentiles Accountable?
The Jews of the Old Testament regime were responsible to the law of Moses. But what law were the Gentiles under? This is a question that perplexes many Bible students.
The Sea of Galilee: A Silent Witness
Why does the sea of Galilee’s reputation far exceed its material qualities?
Was Mohammed a Prophet?
Was Mohammed another prophet of God? Is there any evidence that would support that claim?