Don’t Get Old!
Some people despise their accelerating agedness. Growing old ought to be the most rewarding time of one’s life. Perhaps these thoughts will help you.
Be Still and Know that I Am God
The admonition, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10), is often misunderstood. In this brief article, Jason Jackson explores the meaning of the sacred text.
Matthew 16:19 — Binding and Loosing
Despite the assertions of the Roman Catholic Church, there is no biblical evidence for the “primacy of Peter” doctrine. Study with us one of the passages that is misused to support this heresy.
Do Psychics Really Have Mystic Powers?
So-called “psychics” claim to have mystical powers, such as predicting what will eventually occur in one’s future. Do they really?
Ephesians 4:5 – One Baptism
What is the “one baptism” of Ephesians 4:5?
Alan Dershowitz, Jesus Christ, and Logic
Alan Dershowitz praised Jesus very highly as an enlightened Jewish rabbi, then added: “He’s just not my Messiah.”
What Is Marriage and Why Does It Matter?
Who decides what marriage is? Who is eligible to marry? Is it a matter of public opinion or political policy making? Absolutely not. God is the author of marriage, and his word regulates the divine arrangement. Jason Jackson considers the topic in light of recent developments.
Esther 9:26 – Purim
The Jewish feast of Purim has its origin in the book of Esther.
Binding and Loosing
The Roman Catholic church claims that Jesus Christ gave Peter the authority to bind and loose religious law. Matthew 16:19 is a record of this occasion, they say. Was Peter singled out to become the first pope in this passage?
Matthew 13:8 – Seed Sown in “Good Ground”
By way of a parable, Jesus instructed that a respect and desire for truth is integral to one’s accepting the Gospel message.
More Evolutionary Nonsense
Advocates of Darwinian evolution seem constantly to be eclipsing themselves in the absurdity of the arguments employed in defense of the baseless ideology. Below is an analysis of one of the most recent.
Was Paul Mistaken in Galatians 6:10?
A Christian lady has suggested that Paul was mistaken when he recommended benevolence, first to Christian, then to non-Christians. Is the criticism reasonable?
Habakkuk 1:2 – A Challenge to God
The background and purpose of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk reminds us of God’s providential activity among the nations.
Nehemiah 2:8 – Providence
An account in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah serves as a remarkable example of divine providence.
Did Jesus Contradict Himself as He Approached Death?
Did Jesus contradict himself as he approached the ordeal of the crucifixion? Some critics so allege, but what are the facts?
Lord, Teach Us How To Pray
The prayers of Jesus teach us in so many ways. Not only can we learn from what Jesus prayed, but we learn from when, why, and how he prayed. Let us survey some interesting facts about the prayers of Jesus and allow the Lord to deepen our capacity for prayer with the Father.
John 11:3,5 – Jesus, Lazarus, and Agape Love
The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead helps us to understand the significance of agape love.
Did Mary, Jesus’ Mother, Ever Sin?
Did the mother of Jesus ever sin?
Proverbs 6:17 – Hands that Shed Innocent Blood
This proverb has a modern-day application to the practice of abortion.
Does Mark 7:4 Authorize Sprinkling?
This article addresses a sectarian argument that attempts to justify sprinkling as a substitute for immersion.