What Is the Meaning of “Not under Bondage” (1 Cor. 7:15)?
In 1 Corinthians 7:15, Paul affirms that if an unbelieving mate abandons his Christian companion the Christian is “not under bondage.” Some allege that this provides an additional cause for divorce — other than fornication (Mt. 5:32; 19:9). But is there real evidence for this position?
Are the Narratives of Paul’s Conversion Repetitious and Contradictory?
A critic asserts that the three different records of Paul’s conversion, as recorded in the book of Acts, are irrelevantly repetitious and even contradictory? Does the charge really hold up? Consider this matter with us.
Can a Christian Walk Away from God?
Many believe that a Christian can never be lost. But what does the Bible say?
Foundational Truths Regarding Marriage
Is “marriage” a divinely designed institution, or is it a human invention? Let us see where the evidence lies.
Sexual Promiscuity — A National Plague
The level of sexual sin in American culture today has reached alarming levels. Such debauchery cannot abide without widespread and long-lasting detriments. What can the Christian do?
Haggai 2:7 — The Desire of the Nations
Did Haggai refer to Christ as the “desire” of the nations? Study this passage with us.
The Preposition “Eis” in Acts 2:38
It has long been known that denominationalists, welded to the theory of salvation by “faith alone,” repudiate the connection between baptism and the forgiveness of sins. Some, formally sound on this issue, now are capitulating to sectarian error. Take a brief look at this issue with us.
Dealing with Mail
E-mail, regular mail — what will it be today? Let me give you a small sample of the frustrations associated with writing. It’s not a problem of enormous magnitude — we deal with it. Occasionally, however, it’s good to “vent.”
The Things God Has Prepared
In 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul speaks of those “things” which God has prepared for them who love him. Let us contemplate this thrilling context and some of the truths it teaches.
Is the Language of Genesis 1 Merely Metaphorical?
In an attempt to harmonize the biblical record with evolutionary chronology, some allege that the creation description of Genesis 1 is merely metaphorical. Such a position thrusts aside responsible interpretative procedure.
The Word-tenses of Salvation
Have you ever considered the fact that “salvation” can be a future, past, present, still future event, depending upon the vantage point from which one is speaking? Think about this “tense” issue with us.
The Christian As a Sermon
A Christian life well-lived is a better sermon than what is only said.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Is It Appropriate to Worship Jesus?
Is it appropriate to worship Jesus?
What Does Isaiah Mean When He Says the Wolf Will Lie Down With the Lamb?
Will wolves literally lie down with lambs? What does Isaiah’s prophecies mean?
Is There Scientific Proof of Joshua’s Long Day?
Is the so-called scientific proof for Joshua’s “long day” reliable?
Is Fasting for Christians Today?
Should Christians practice fasting?
Joshua’s Farewell Address
This article addresses whether or not people have the right to speculate about who will be saved apart from the declarations of divine revelation.
The Demon Frenzy
This article discusses the recent claim by the journal Christianity that demon possession is a present-day reality.
Why Do Men Reject God?
Most people in the world, throughout the ages of history, have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Since unbelief is neither reasonable nor the norm, one cannot but wonder why some people become atheists.