The Old Testament and Incense
The Old Testament contains many references to the burning of incense. What lessons does this hold for us today? Let us meditate upon this theme together.
A Response to: “Yes, We Baptize Babies”
All loving parents want their children to be saved. But is infant baptism helping our children reach that goal? Or is it a dangerous and unscriptural practice that should be abandoned?
What Is Baptismal Regeneration?
Exactly what is “baptismal regeneration”? Is this doctrine scriptural?
Spiritual Warfare Is Real, Difficult, and Dangerous
The devil is after us. He wants us to join him in hell’s fire. In Ephesians 6:12-18, the apostle Paul pleads with Christians to take the devil’s malicious plans seriously. He calls upon us to appropriate the only available means to stand against the wiles of Satan — the whole armor of God. Such will make us strong in the Lord.
The Separation of Paul and Barnabas
The seemingly tragic separation of Paul and Barnabas is well known to serious Bible students. What was the cause of this breach of work-association? Who was to blame? What might the Christian learn from this episode? Study this case with us.
Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
Are Logic and Scripture Compatible?
Not only are logic and Scripture compatible, they are inseparable. If we understand the Bible correctly, and use valid reasoning, biblical truths are concluded.
Did God Reward Midwives for Lying?
Did God reward the midwives who may have lied to Pharaoh, only to kill Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 for the same infraction? Does God deal prejudicially with people? Does the Bible represent the Lord as an inconsistent, unfair God? Let’s take a close look at a question that speculates on the justice of God.
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
The Abuse of Love
Love is a fantastic emotion, from both divine and human vantage points. But it can be abused—and frequently is.
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Dignity Without Ostentation
Does it matter how you dress? Should dress be appropriate to the occasion? Most in society feel that it should—within reason. Let’s talk about this for a moment.
The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
Borrowing from the legal terminology of the first century, the New Testament writers used the figure of a “last will and testament” to characterize that body of doctrine to which mankind is obligated in the Christian age, i.e., that era of time from the day of Pentecost until the Lord’s return. In this article, we examine several important features of a “last will and testament.”
The Old Paths: Obsolete or Pressing Need?
It is now urgent that courageous men and women repeat the ancient refrain, “ask for the old paths ... and walk therein ....”
Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
Life, A Precious Gift
Your life on earth is a precious gift. Do not ignore its value; do not squander it in trivial pursuits; do not let it slip away and leave you unprepared. This very day you may wish to contemplate the question: What is your life?
Mary’s First Communion
What did Mary meditate on during communion?
The Holy Spirit and the Apostles
The Holy Spirit was promised by Christ to his apostles for their special work.
Some Wise Words from Zophar
Zophar, one of Job’s friends, was a fierce critic of the patriarch of Uz. Many of his charges were unjust. Occasionally, however, he uttered meaningful truth. This brief article discusses one such episode.