Hank Hanegraaff and the “Christian Research Institute”
Over the years the folks at C.R.I. (Martin, Hanegraaff, et al.) have lustily pursued debate encounters with a host of cultists. They have engaged the heretical movements in verbal and written battles time and again, and begged for additional conflicts.
The Baha’i Movement
One of the rapidly growing religious movements today is the Baha’i group. What is the Baha’i movement? Is it biblical? Is it a true religion?
The Controversy Rages: Mel Gibson’s “The Passion”
Mel Gibson’s motion picture, “The Passion of the Christ,” has ignited a storm of controversy, once again raising the question, “Who was responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth?” This week’s Penpoints explores this “hot” topic.
Hebrews 2:1 – Giving Heed to the Gospel
It is quite apparent that when one “gives heed” to the Lord’s will, he obeys the gospel.
The Meaning of Romans 3:31
Many are confused as to the meaning of Romans 3:31. In this article we explore the meaning of the sacred text.
How to Identify a Cult
Is someone you love trapped in a cult? This article helps to identify the traits of a cult.
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
The Spirit of Generosity — A Study in Contrasts
In this study, we would like to call attention to some biblical contrasts with reference to the matter of generosity versus stinginess. It is an enterprise which will reveal, quite astoundingly, how God views these traits.
Is It Appropriate to Worship Jesus?
Is it appropriate to worship Jesus?
May Christian Women Teach Christian Boys?
May Christian women teach a Bible class in which some of her students may be young boys who have become Christians? Some strongly object to this. But is the objection valid? This article addresses this sensitive topic.
Titus 2:14; 1:16 & Revelation 3:5-16 – Three Types of “Good Works”
The New Testament depicts three attitudes/practices relative to “good works.” This makes for a fascinating study.
Didn’t Paul Command, “Forbid not to speak in tongues”?
What is the meaning of Paul’s command, “Forbid not to Speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14:39)? Does this imply that the gift of tongues was to continue to the end of time?
Do the Events at Cana Justify the Worship of Mary?
Is has been said that at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Mary made a request of Jesus, and that he obeyed. This is supposed to show that she is worthy of praise and worship due to the influence she exercises over her Son. What are the facts?
Unity — Its Aesthetic and Practical Value
There is, perhaps, no greater exhortation to unity, anywhere in the Bible, that surpasses that of Psalm 133.
Three Views of Self
None of us lives an isolated existence. While we see ourselves in a certain light, others may view us quite differently. Our Creator looks at us with absolute accuracy!
What Is the Meaning of “Not under Bondage” (1 Cor. 7:15)?
In 1 Corinthians 7:15, Paul affirms that if an unbelieving mate abandons his Christian companion the Christian is “not under bondage.” Some allege that this provides an additional cause for divorce — other than fornication (Mt. 5:32; 19:9). But is there real evidence for this position?
Jeremiah and Lamentations
A popular-level commentary of the two prophetic books penned by Jeremiah
What Does Isaiah Mean When He Says the Wolf Will Lie Down With the Lamb?
Will wolves literally lie down with lambs? What does Isaiah’s prophecies mean?
A Footnote on the Mary Winkler Case
A recent book by renowned crime journalist, Ann Rule, has a one hundred-plus-page discussion of the 2006 sensational Mary Winkler case—the woman who shot her minister husband in the back. This is a brief review of Rule’s conclusions.
Should a Christian Join the Gideons?
Should a Christian join the denominational organization called the Gideons as a means of promoting the gospel?