The Acts of the Apostles — from Jerusalem to Rome
Paperback; 473 pages; A verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Acts written on the popular level.
Aid or Addition — What Is the Difference?
If the church sings to the accompaniment of an organ, those thus participating have added something to what the Lord prescribed.
Seven Steps to Greater Bible Understanding
Here is a simple seven point plan to help one start understanding the Bible and its remarkable message.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Words Fitly Spoken
Words are vehicles of communication. Since it is the case that “words” can lead either to salvation or to condemnation, it is important that Christians craft a vocabulary that expresses biblical ideas in their purest form. Study this issue with us in this month’s Feature.
LDS Baptism Annulled Due to Protest from Jews
A recent news item regarding the Mormon doctrine of “proxy baptism” highlights the inconsistencies of the practice and is the subject of this week’s Penpoints.
Destructive Criticism and the Old Testament
The investigations of “higher critics” have proceeded along lines buttressed with biased presuppositions that are grossly inaccurate, and which have been repeatedly and thoroughly discredited by reputable scholars.
Acts 8 – Philip Preached “the Christ”
Several passages in Acts provide us with first-century examples that help us to understand what it means to “preach Jesus.”
The Holy Spirit “Illumination” Theory: A Critical Review
Must you be “illuminated” by the Holy Spirit before you can understand what he wrote?
Five Things that Will End When Christ Returns
The apostle Paul’s reference to “the end” in 1 Corinthians 15 examined.
Jesus Christ: Pioneer in Human Development
Parents need to reflect upon the example left by young Jesus, and direct their own offspring in a similar course of living.
Galatians 2:11 — A Confrontation with Peter
Consider these two points gleaned from Paul’s confrontation with the apostle Peter.
What Is Baptismal Regeneration?
Exactly what is “baptismal regeneration”? Is this doctrine scriptural?
The Jesus Ossuary Inscription
Today, archaeology scholars have stunned the world by an announcement that an inscription, possibly bearing the name of Jesus Christ, has been found on a stone bone-burial box in Israel. If the find proves to be authentic, it will provide further striking evidence of the historicity of the existence of Jesus.
Is Fasting for Christians Today?
Should Christians practice fasting?
What Is the Meaning of, “Destruction of the Flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5?
What is the meaning of the phrase, “the destruction of the flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5? Did it sanction the use of capital punishment in the church for immoral and/or heretical people?
Modernism and the Virgin Birth of Christ
Does the biblical evidence support John D. Crossan’s claims that Jesus was not virginally conceived?
The Word-tenses of Salvation
Have you ever considered the fact that “salvation” can be a future, past, present, still future event, depending upon the vantage point from which one is speaking? Think about this “tense” issue with us.
The Bible Doesn’t Say, “Don’t Do It,” Does It?
Must the Bible explicitly condemn something to make it wrong?
Haggai 2:7 — The Desire of the Nations
Did Haggai refer to Christ as the “desire” of the nations? Study this passage with us.