Baseball, Apple Pie, and Persecution
Persecution of God’s people has always been a reality. Some who contributed toward the founding of this nation fled persecution. Now, the country conceived for the liberty of all is becoming a hotbed of anti-Christian sentiment. What should the Christian do?
Do Genesis 10 and 11 Conflict with Reference to the Languages in the Earth?
Some critics of the Bible allege that there is a contradiction between Genesis chapters 10 and 11. Chapter 10 mentions various “tongues” or “languages,” while chapter 11 suggests the entire earth was of one language before the tower of Babel incident. What is the truth of the matter?
Zechariah’s Amazing Prophecy of the Betrayal of Christ
Bible prophecy is one of the most powerful evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures. Here is a truly remarkable prophecy from the book of Zechariah.
The Old Paths: Obsolete or Pressing Need?
It is now urgent that courageous men and women repeat the ancient refrain, “ask for the old paths ... and walk therein ....”
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Addicted to Me
Meth ... pot ... fentanyl ... or “ME”? Which addiction has more victims?
The President, Adultery, and “Baptist Rules”
The dangerous and harmful effects of the false doctrine that a child of God cannot fall from grace
A Study of Heaven
Heaven will be a wonderful reward for those faithful to God. Unfortunately the biblical teaching on this theme has been grossly perverted in numerous ways. Study this great topic in this article.
The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
The Jesus Seminar – Part 1
A response to the Jesus Seminar propaganda, as featured by Peter Jennings on ABC’s special, In Search of Jesus
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”
What Are the “Tongues of Angels” in 1 Corinthians 13:1?
Does the Bible sanction a speaking in “tongues” that involves the utterance of “ecstatic” sounds that are understood only by the speaker and God? Sincere Pentecostal folks answer in the affirmative. They contend that these indiscernible sounds are the “tongues of angels” (1 Cor. 13:1). This article demonstrates that there is no support for such a view in the Corinthian text.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
O Absalom — My Son, My Son!
The tragic story of King David’s infamous son, Absalom, conveys many valuable lessons.
Hand me a pill; my syndrome is bugging me!
Some protest the use of illegal drugs by a glazed-eyed sub-culture, all the while popping pills daily to cope with a variety of problems common to humanity.
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
What Is Worldliness?
The term “worldly” is not uncommon in our language. But what does the word really signify?
Song of Solomon 1:1 – Solomon’s Song
Song of Solomon is a beautiful work of inspired literature that extols the bliss of genuine love after the divine order.
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
Foundational Truths Regarding Marriage
Is “marriage” a divinely designed institution, or is it a human invention? Let us see where the evidence lies.