Logic and Stem Cell Research
Human embryos should not be created whimsically, nor should they be destroyed.
What About the Bible and Slavery?
Does the Bible condone slavery? If so, how does the Christian reconcile this with the biblical concept of the intrinsic worth of every human being as a creature made in the image of God?
Can the Living Talk To the Dead?
Humankind has always been fascinated by the idea of talking to the dead. Necromancy is condemned in the Bible, but is speaking with the dead possible?
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
David Hume and Miracles
Philosopher David Hume failed in disproving the veracity of biblical miracles, but succeeded in revealing the emptiness of his agnosticism.
Religion and Morality: The Connection
George Washington affirmed that a nation could not be maintained without morality. Today, some say biblical morality is unnecessary for national success. This essay analyzes the assertion by Alan Dershowitz that morality is not dependent upon religion.
Three Great Facts about God
There are many wonderful truths regarding God upon which the sincere soul should meditate. In this article we consider but three. Reflect upon these with us.
A Message from an Angel
In the 14th chapter of the book of Revelation, John the apostle records a vision of several angels, who bring messages from God. This article addresses one of those messages.
Be Still and Know That I Am God — Revisited
Why Do Natural Disasters Happen?
The recent earthquake and subsequent tidal waves in the Indian Ocean have caused many to wonder why God allows such disasters to burden the earth. Is there any reasonable explanation for these events that respects the concept of the benevolence of our Creator?
Three Quick Points from 1 Timothy 2:4
Paul encouraged Timothy to pray on behalf of all men. This brief verse contains a number of important points to note in the margin of your Bible.
Nickel: A Story of How Little Words Can Cause Big Tears, The
Some lessons in life are worth more than money could buy. There was one such lesson in my early life that was of much greater value than “the nickel” that was involved.
Rich Nuggets in Romans 14:9
Tucked away in Romans 14:9 are some rich nuggets of truth that will enhance your faith.
Acts 18:9 – Paul’s Fear at Corinth
God does not want the proclamation of His word to be characterized by a spirit of fearfulness.
What Is Modernism?
I frequently see writers refer to what they call “modernism.” Exactly what do they mean by this term?
God as a Father
The Bible refers to God as a “Father” in several different senses. Many sincere people are confused about this. One may believe that he is a “child of God”; and he is in one sense, but may not be in another—the most important. It is crucial that we understand this issue.
Why Humanity Should Serve God
Does God need our service? If not, then why should humanity serve him?
The Jesus Movie
Everyone understands that whenever Hollywood does a movie about some historical character, a good measure of literary license is taken.
Did Jesus Confess that His Claims Were Untrue?
The charge is sometimes made that even Jesus confessed that his claim of being divine was not reliable. John 5:31 is appealed to in this regard. What is the meaning of that statement?
Nebuchadnezzar and Archaeology
This article examines archaeological evidence confirming facts presented in the Bible.