Did David Sin against God Only?
In Psalm 51, it appears that David is praying for forgiveness after having committed fornication with Bathsheba (as indicated in the superscription). How then could he have said to God, “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned” (v. 4)?
Ezekiel 12:13 — The Blind Ruler
The prophet Ezekiel accurately prophesied the details of the capture of the king of Israel.
3 John 2 – Body and Soul
The Apostle John shows an obvious distinction between the body and the soul.
1 Peter 1:3,4 – The Heavenly Hope
Where is the hope of the righteous to be eternally realized — on earth or in heaven? The Bible’s answer is very clear.
1 Chronicles 2:13-15 – Jesse’s Sons
Some may jump to the conclusion that the Bible contradicts itself with regard to Jesse’s sons. But such a conclusion is not necessary.
Amos 5:21,22 – Vain Religion
Worship God — then live as you please — is the sentiment of legions. But what does God think of such attitudes?
Leviticus 5:17 – Ignorance and Accountability
Is “ignorance bliss” with regard to sin? Not according to the Scriptures.