The Trashing of Human Life
The only way one can consistently argue for the sanctity of human life is to ground his case in the ultimate moral law which proceeds from the sovereign Creator of the universe.
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
David Hume and Miracles
Philosopher David Hume failed in disproving the veracity of biblical miracles, but succeeded in revealing the emptiness of his agnosticism.
Was Judas “Predestined” to Betray Christ?
A sincere reader wants to know whether or not Judas was “predestined” to betray Christ. He feels that certain New Testament passages suggest that he was. This week’s Question discusses this issue.
When Silence Is Eloquent
During his trial before Pilate, Christ boldly confirmed that he was a king, but that his followers did not fight—a bold claim since hours earlier one of his disciples attempted to decapitate a government official. Why, then, was this one little statement by Christ not exploited by his enemies?
An Analysis of Romans 14
The fourteenth chapter of Romans is a marvelous treatise in which the inspired apostle encourages the strong to assist the weak so that the cause of Christ might be united. It contains such rich lessons for the church of today.
Are All People Children of God?
Some people believe that every human being is a “child of God,” thus no one will be lost. Others allege that any “good” person is God’s child. How is one to view this matter biblically? Study this question with us.
Is a Child Who Commits Suicide Lost?
We recognize that suicide is wrong, but what if a child takes his own life?
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
Barking at an Empty Log: Atheism & Millennialism
Do the absence of certain “millennial events” disprove the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible. Not in the least. They do, however, disprove popular millennial theories.
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
Dealing Treacherously with One’s Spouse
Marriage is not a mere civil institution; it is a covenant agreement between two eligible people before God. Far too frequently, it becomes very “uncivil.” People who desire to please the Creator, will work hard to make their
marriages stable.
Alan Dershowitz, Jesus Christ, and Logic
Alan Dershowitz praised Jesus very highly as an enlightened Jewish rabbi, then added: “He’s just not my Messiah.”
Why Do Men Reject God?
Most people in the world, throughout the ages of history, have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Since unbelief is neither reasonable nor the norm, one cannot but wonder why some people become atheists.
Misdirected Benevolence
Spiritual people will feel compassion for the poor. But do we always exercise wisdom in our efforts to help? Let us reflect upon some principles relative to assisting the needy.
Jesus’ Prophecy and the Destruction of the Temple
Shortly before his death, Christ informed his disciples that the Jewish temple would be destroyed, and not one stone would be left upon another. Some claim the prophecy failed. What are the facts?
Does the Bible Contain Contradictions?
Does the Bible contradict itself? Skeptics frequently claim it does. But a careful consideration of the law of contradiction demonstrates otherwise.
Leviticus 5:17 – Ignorance and Accountability
Is “ignorance bliss” with regard to sin? Not according to the Scriptures.
Is Capital Punishment a Deterrent?
This article addresses the issue of whether capital punishment is a deterrent.
Cosmological Confusion
How did the universe arise? Modern science hasn’t a clue.