Mary’s First Communion
What did Mary meditate on during communion?
Paul’s “Mother”
So many noble women have served in the kingdom of Christ. They do not fully comprehend their contribution to the Lord’s servants and to his cause.
Was There Forgiveness Under the Law of Moses?
Why was forgiveness promised to the Israelites when the New Testament says their sacrifices could not provide forgiveness for sins?
What Does the Bible Say About Ash Wednesday?
What is Lent and Ash Wednesday? Are these religious observances found in the Bible?
Do the Psalms Authorize Instrumental Music in Worship?
May one contend that while the “law” was abolished by the death of Christ, nonetheless, the Psalms remain; and the Psalms provide authority for worshipping God with instruments of music?
The Law of Moses: Some Metaphors Considered
A consideration of several biblical metaphors used of the law of Moses.
The Qur’an and the Death of Christ
The Islamic repudiation of the death of Christ is grounded in an aversion to the biblical doctrine of the Lord’s vicarious death to atone for sin. The Islamic system strikes at the very heart of the Gospel. It is hostile to the Christian faith.
The Campbell-Purcell Debate (1837)
The sexual improprieties of many priests within the Roman Catholic Church is a stormy controversy these days. Is this problem a natural result of the Church’s attitude regarding sexual activity? Read this article and draw your own conclusion.
Dispensationalism and Zechariah 14
Zechariah 14 has no reference whatever to a millennial reign of Christ upon the earth.
Psalm 22: A Brief Analysis
There is no better way to start your day than to meditate upon the thrilling grace of God as manifested at Calvary twenty centuries ago. It invigorates the soul and instills a level of gratitude to the Creator that is unrivaled by anything else.
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
A Dispute About the Purpose of Baptism
Several questions and comments have been recently received relative to some of our material dealing with the purpose of “water baptism,” as that theme is set forth in the New Testament. Accordingly, in this Feature article, we wish to address a reader’s obviously sincere concerns.
Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?
Is the mosquito a legitimate example of a “silly” creation?
A Remedy for Troubled Hearts
Unquestionably, there are things we cannot change. We can, however, learn to survive by immersing ourselves in a deep and sustained biblical faith.
Was Jesus Afraid?
The writer of the book of Hebrews speaks of an occasion when Jesus was characterized by “godly fear.” What does this phrase mean?
The Blood of Christ Across the Centuries
The Lamb’s blood flows from the book of Genesis all the way through the book of Revelation, and there are valuable lessons all along the way.
Why Does Hebrews 8:13 Use the Present Tense?
Some Bible students are puzzled that the writer of Hebrews uses present tense forms (8:13) to depict the passing of the Mosaic law. How are these to be explained in light of Bible teaching elsewhere that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ (Eph. 2:15)?
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
The City of Ten Thousand Memories
Jerusalem has been called the city of ten thousand memories. This article reflects upon J.W. McGarvey’s visit to that city more than a century ago.
Don’t Get Old!
Some people despise their accelerating agedness. Growing old ought to be the most rewarding time of one’s life. Perhaps these thoughts will help you.