How Does this Man Know “Letters”?
“How does this man [Jesus] know letters, since he has never learned?” (John 7:15). This text has puzzled many Bible students? How could Christ have so amazed the multitudes with his teaching if he had “never learned”? Study this passage with us.
National Center for Science Education & Evolution
The charge that evolution “is in danger of being banished from our schools” is a lie—a lie being perpetrated for the sole purpose of attempting to raise money.
The Character of Atheism
Someone has said that you can tell something of the character of a person by the heroes he has. There may be something to that. Atheism extols hypocrisy.
Some Questions About Greek Grammar
What is the significance of the genitive case, “faith [in] Christ” in Romans 3:22? Why are the verbs “believe” and “confess” in Romans 10:9 in the aorist tense?
Is a Literal Interpretation of Genesis 1 Important?
Does it really matter how one interprets Genesis 1, so long as he believes the basic truth that God was the Creator?
The Benevolent Influence of Christianity
Christianity has been the most benevolent influence in the history of the world. On occasion, even skeptics concede this truth.
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
A Profile in Christian Courage
John F. Kennedy authored a popular book, Profiles In Courage. The New Testament contains its own profiles in courage. In this Penpoint, Jason Jackson discusses the courageous tone of Paul’s second letter to Timothy.
Singin’ the Blues
To many, the fact that modern society appears to be immersed in filth and debauchery portends nothing but gloom. Others look on the brighter side and attempt to seize the opportunities.
Buy a Sword?
When Jesus said, “Buy a sword,” what did he mean?
The Cyrus Decree
After the Jews had spent seventy years in Babylonian Captivity, Cyrus, king of Persia, issued a decree permitting them to return to their homeland. It was an amazing event in ancient history.
The Record Buried in Coal
Why coal is a bad witness in the case for evolution.
Rachel’s Tears
Rachel, the wife of Jacob, died in connection with the birth of her child, Benjamin. Centuries later the apostle Matthew refers to Rachel as “weeping for her children.” This was in connection with Herod’s murder of the male babies in the region of Bethlehem. What was the connection? Let us explore this issue.
Is Holy Spirit Baptism Available Today?
Since the “baptism of the Holy Spirit” was bestowed upon the household of Cornelius, some wonder why the same experience cannot be received today. This article explains why Spirit “baptism” was an experience unique to the first century.
Does John 6:37 Teach Calvinist “Predestination”?
It is commonly alleged that Jesus, in John 6:37, endorsed the idea of “predestination” as popularized by John Calvin in the 16th century. Did he? Study this question with us.
The Fear of Death
While it is the case that as long as we are in the flesh, and constantly harassed by death, there will always be some degree of “uneasiness,” in view of the victory accomplished by the Lord, we can approach the inevitable with spirits that are more tranquil.
An Invitation to a Wayward People
What will it take for a wayward nation to repent? Perhaps this lesson from ancient Israel is a helpful reminder.
A Brief Study of the Angel of Jehovah
Who is the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament?
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
Did Jesus Eat the Passover Supper?
Do the Gospel Accounts contradict themselves in the matter of whether Jesus ate the Passover Supper?