Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
Matthew 11:3 – John Has Doubts
In Matthew 11:3, John the Immerser sends a message to Christ. Did his inquiry express doubt on his part?
Joshua 6:2,16 – The Gift of Jericho
The account of Israel’s conquest of Jericho shows that grace may be conditional.
Science and Miracles
Christians need not be intimidated when certain “scientists” utter dogmatic pronouncements which disdain religion.
Buy a Sword?
When Jesus said, “Buy a sword,” what did he mean?
The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
Borrowing from the legal terminology of the first century, the New Testament writers used the figure of a “last will and testament” to characterize that body of doctrine to which mankind is obligated in the Christian age, i.e., that era of time from the day of Pentecost until the Lord’s return. In this article, we examine several important features of a “last will and testament.”
O Absalom — My Son, My Son!
The tragic story of King David’s infamous son, Absalom, conveys many valuable lessons.
Is Freemasonry a Religious Institution?
Is the Masonic Lodge a harmless fraternal organization or a religious organization subversive to Christianity?
A New Edict from the Vatican
This editorial discusses the recent Vatican affirmation regarding the “primacy of Peter.”
The Corinthian Church – Confidence or Coercion?
The Corinthian Christians had promised a contribution for their poor brethren in Jerusalem. But they had failed to keep their pledge. How was Paul to motivate them to have a greater spiritual vision?
Does Luke 17:31ff Predict the Destruction of Jerusalem?
Luke 17:31ff has been a confusing text to some Bible students. Does this section of Scripture refer to the destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), or to the final Coming of Christ? This context is examined in this week’s Q&A segment.
The Left Behind Series
This is a review of the Left Behind book series by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, which advocates dispensational premillennialism.
Baseball, Apple Pie, and Persecution
Persecution of God’s people has always been a reality. Some who contributed toward the founding of this nation fled persecution. Now, the country conceived for the liberty of all is becoming a hotbed of anti-Christian sentiment. What should the Christian do?
Of Fathers and Their Sons
What can a father do to protect his children from Satan’s grasp? A wise dad will have a plan in place, well before the challenging teen years.
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...
John Kitto’s Beautiful Tribute to “Woman”
John Kitto was a remarkable Bible scholar of the 1800’s. His essay on “Woman,” penned in 1850, is a delightful composition in tribute to one of God’s finest creations.
The Blood of Christ Across the Centuries
The Lamb’s blood flows from the book of Genesis all the way through the book of Revelation, and there are valuable lessons all along the way.
Should Christians Have All Things in Common?
Communism has held millions of people in its oppressive grasp, forcing a distribution of personal resources among the masses. Some even allege that early Christianity was characterized by this disposition. They contend that anyone in “need” has a “right” to the prosperity of others. In this week’s Question & Answer segment, Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.