The Jesus Seminar Strikes Again
The Jesus Seminar is a panel of liberal theologians who have commissioned themselves for a cut-and-paste job on the text of the New Testament.
When the Creation Is Delivered
In Romans 8:19-23, Paul addresses the hope that eventually the creation will be set free from the “bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.”
In the Steps of Abraham
The life of Abraham abounds with lessons from which the sincere child of God can profit.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Another Voice from the Tomb
The recent discovery of an ossuary (bone box) in Jerusalem, which mentions the name “Jesus,” has been hailed as the first extra-biblical archaeological discovery relating to Christ. But is it? An earlier discovery, in 1945, also contained a reference to Jesus. This article cites that evidence.
The Support of Gospel Preachers
Some preachers are pampered and unquestionably not worth what they make. On the other hand, there are others who simply are not treated fairly—consistent with the principle of the Golden Rule.
Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
Is the Bible a historically dependable book? If not, why should one trust it in redemptive matters? The fact is, however, the Scriptures have been demonstrated to be trustworthy in countless details. This week’s Question/Answer briefly addresses this issue.
The Growing Interest in Angels
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the subject of angels. Do these creatures actually exist? Do they operate now, as they did in Bible times? This brief essay addresses these intriguing questions.
The Importance of Messianic Genealogy
It Christ’s genealogy important in establishing his identity as Messiah? Consider the evidence.
Hard Sayings in the Bible
How does one account for some of those “hard sayings” in the Scriptures?
The Roman Catholic – Jewish Compromise
News sources report that a recently published document from Roman Catholic scholars attempts to promote a compromise between Jewish and Christian views regarding the Messiah? What is the basis of this ecumenical attempt?
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection
Five important points to remember about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
Atheism: The “No-God” Religion
Atheists claim to the anti-religion, yet they have formed their own “religion.” They are the epitome of inconsistency.
The Biblical Concept of Sleep
The concept of “sleep” is used in many ways in the Bible. A study of these usages yields many valuable lessons.
The Growing Anti-Christian Sentiment
Legal authorities in New York City have fought against “Christian” symbolism in the city’s public schools, while defending the presence of both Jewish and Islamic symbolism. Some see this as an accelerating wave of antagonism against the Christian faith?
Luke and the Old Testament
Though the New Testament writer Luke was a Gentile, surprisingly his Gospel account reveals a significant knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures. Reflect upon this fact with us.
Atheism and the Historical Christ
Some atheists reject the very existence of Jesus of Nazareth. But is this lack of belief based on a reasonable examination of the evidence? Not in the least.
The Philanthropic Nature of Christianity
The arrival of Christianity provided refreshing encouragement of love-of-fellowman to a time that was marked by the lack of philanthropy.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.