The Heart of the Matter
A consideration of the biblical data leads only to the conclusion that the heart is a vulnerable feature of the human makeup. One must guard it, and he must cultivate it, with the greatest of diligence.
The Dynamics of the Doxology
A “doxology” is an eruption of praise offered to deity. It glorifies God and is a commentary on the piety of the dedicated soul. Study this topic with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
The Church Is the Saved
According to the doctrine of dispensational premillennialism (a view endorsed by many today), the “church” was not a part of the divine plan of redemption initially. But that view is not consistent with divine revelation.
Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.
The Christian and the Workplace
More and more, it appears, Americans are finding that materialism isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Without some sort of spiritual flavor, there is a void in life—an aching of the soul that longs for a greater satisfaction.
The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead
Since the late second century A.D., controversy has existed concerning the nature of the Godhead. Is God a solitary person—simply manifested in three forms? Or do three separate personalities exist, each of whom possesses the nature of deity? Is the popular doctrine of the Trinity true or false?
The Pentateuch: The Cornerstone of Scripture
The first five books of the Old Testament are invaluable for the serious Bible student – in many different ways. Jason Jackson discusses these magnificent documents.
The Resurrection of the Human Body
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible.
The Holy Spirit and the Apostles
The Holy Spirit was promised by Christ to his apostles for their special work.
The Value of the Factious Spirit
If one believes in the ultimate conquest of good over evil, he can see, even in factiousness, something of the good, the positive, and the noble.
The Haunting Question from the Cross
During the six hours in which he hung upon the cross, the Lord Jesus uttered seven sayings. Surely the most perplexing of these was his plaintive question, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
The Eye of the Evolutionary Storm
The inspired psalmist affirmed that it was God who “formed the eye” (Psa. 94:9). Any “tidy-minded” infidel who thinks he has found a flaw in the fundamental design of the Creator’s handiwork, had better use the eyes the Lord has given him, and “look again.”
The Textual Basis of the Bible
It is a misguided endeavor to contend that the KJV is the only reliable translation available today, or even that it is the best one.
The Responsibility of the Bible Teacher
The church is facing a crisis in the early days of this new millennium. There is a drastic shortage of qualified Bible class teachers. Church leaders need to train new teachers, and those already in that capacity need to take their jobs seriously.
The ACU Commentary and the Unity of the Book of Isaiah
The Establishment of the Church of Christ
Was the church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost? Or was it established at some earlier time in human history?
The Weekly Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Does the New Testament authorize the observance of each-Sunday communion? Is communion restricted to Sunday?
The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
Jesus Christ: The First and the Last
In this discussion, we pay special attention upon the phrase, “the first and the last,” as it appears in Revelation 1:17-18.
The Blood of Christ Across the Centuries
The Lamb’s blood flows from the book of Genesis all the way through the book of Revelation, and there are valuable lessons all along the way.