The Canon of Sacred Scripture
Who determined which books were to go into the Bible? Exactly when did that occur? What are the Apocryphal books? Wayne Jackson addresses these important questions.
Philippians 3:1ff – Regulated Worship
Is worship “regulated” by God? Or is man left to his own inclination in this matter?
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
Seven Important Truths About the Bible
What is it about the Bible that has made it the most influential book in the history of the world? Here are seven great truths that help answer that question.
How Did Paul Learn about Jannes and Jambres?
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul mentions two men, Jannes and Jambres, who withstood Moses. Who were these men, and how did Paul know of them, since they are not named in the Old Testament?
The Crucifixion of Christ
A study of the crucifixion of Christ in the light of history, archaeology, and prophecy yields a greater appreciation for this seminal event of human history.
1 Peter 1:1-2 – Foreknowledge
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma.
Isn’t Christ the Author of “Our” Faith?
Is “faith” a gift of God that is bestowed independent of man’s freedom of choice? In a recent article we argued that such is not the case. In view of our dispute of the Calvinistic position, a courteous critic asks for an explanation of Hebrews 12:2, and the divine affirmation that Jesus is the “Author” of “our faith.”
The Gospel Writers and Their Quotations from Jesus
When the Gospel writers cite the words of Jesus, they frequently vary their terminology. This is troubling to some. Is this circumstance cause for concern?
Did Jude Quote from the Book of Enoch?
Did Jude quote from the apochryphal “Book of Enoch”? If so, would that affect the credibility of the book of Jude?
Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
Did Peter’s Weakness Negate His Inspiration?
It is sometimes claimed that the Bible is inconsistent in its theology in that it claims infallibility for the apostles’ teaching, yet acknowledges they made mistakes in their personal lives. How does one address this alleged difficulty?
Luke 1:35 – Gabriel vs. Mohammed
The Qur’an teaches that Gabriel delivered a revelation of God to Mohammed. But Mohammed’s message contradicts the Bible in a multitude of passages. Here is one of those instances.
Please Explain 1 Timothy 5:24-25
A puzzling passage that contains great wisdom for church leadership.
A Message from John
It is not an uncommon thing that a Bible verse, which seems so simple, can be so deep and brimming with meaning. Such surely is the case with the apostle John’s tender message in 1 John 2:1-2. In this week’s Penpoints, we contemplate this thrilling passage.
What Is Bible “Inspiration”?
What do Bible scholars mean when they speak of the “inspiration” of the Scriptures?
Must Terminally Ill Christians Artificially Prolong Life?
Must terminally ill Christians artificially prolong life?
What About Christian Fellowship?
There are extremes to the left and right on the topic of Christian fellowship.
The Crimson Flow
It is not difficult to see how vital it is to understand the role of Jesus’ blood in God’s redemptive plan.
The Divine Benefits Package — A Study of Psalm 103
Human beings generally are concerned about the benefits package associated with their employment. God’s “benefits package” is marvelous beyond description, as Psalm 103 reveals. This study considers the marvelous benefits bestowed upon the children of God.