The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence
The Bible claims to be the word of God. But is there any evidence that this claim is true? Here’s an article you will want to read and save.
Jesus Christ: The First and the Last
In this discussion, we pay special attention upon the phrase, “the first and the last,” as it appears in Revelation 1:17-18.
The Biblical Concept of Atonement
In the biblical context, atonement has to do with the plan employed by the Lord to provide a way of salvation for sinful humanity by means of the redemptive mission of Christ. Study with us the basic facts.
That Mysterious Disciple
Does the case of a mysterious disciple in Mark 9 provide precedent for Christian fellowship with sectarian religious institutions?
A Tribute to a Nameless Widow
Jesus once observed a poor widow contributing into the treasury of the Jewish temple. This incident is twice recorded in the Gospel records. Of what significance is this narrative? Study this fascinating account in this week’s Penpoints.
The Role of “Works” in God’s Plan of Redemption
Many sincere people labor under the illusion that “works” play no role whatever in Heaven’s plan of redemption? Is this a correct view? Actually, it is not. Study this theme with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
Scholastic Subterfuge
When the plan of salvation is so easy to understand, why do some go to such great lengths to obscure it?
Have You Considered The Consequences Of Sin?
The phenomenon of “sin” has wrought a terrible harvest upon this earth. Consider this matter with us.
1 Peter 3:4 — The Incorruptible Spirit
The Scriptures teach that human beings have a spirit/soul that is capable of suffering everlasting punishment.
Acts 2:38—Not So Tough
Another argument which denies the essential role baptism plays in our salvation is answered.
The Lord Is My Rock
The word “rock” is a common biblical metaphor. It illustrates many great truths about God. This article briefly surveys this topic.
May One “Judge” Other Churches?
May one criticize the activities of a church of which he is not a member, without being guilty of judging?
The Use of the Preposition “Eis” in Matthew 12:41
In Acts 2:38 Peter contended that baptism is “for” (eis) the remission of sins. Since many religionists deny this biblical truth, they seek comfort in a supposed parallel that they imagine nullifies the force of eis in Acts 2:38. Some imagine they have found a solution to their theological problem in Matthew 12:41. But have they?
The ACU Commentary and the Unity of the Book of Isaiah
Preserving the Faith: The Church’s Battle Against Its Detractors
The article explores the historical and contemporary challenges faced by the church by detractors who attempt to alter God’s will and doctrine. It highlights the importance of steadfastness in preserving the church’s faith and doctrine.
Understanding the Sense of Bible Words
Words can take on different senses depending upon the context in which they are found.
All Good People Go to Heaven — No Matter What?
The nation’s attention was riveted to the testimony of nine coal miners who had been trapped deep beneath the earth’s surface in Pennsylvania. One miner expressed concern for his soul, since he’d never been baptized. Another assured him that he was okay — but was he? Jason Jackson discusses this episode in this week’s Penpoints.
The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead
Since the late second century A.D., controversy has existed concerning the nature of the Godhead. Is God a solitary person—simply manifested in three forms? Or do three separate personalities exist, each of whom possesses the nature of deity? Is the popular doctrine of the Trinity true or false?
Church Growth: By the Gospel or By Gimmicks?
Is the gospel still sufficient for church growth? Are modern gimmicks necessary to attract bigger crowds?
Effective Bible Study — An Urgent Need For Everyone
If the church of today was a more studious body, she would not be plagued with as many problems as she now encounters. Knowledge is a powerful antidote to error. Let us return to the thrilling adventures within the Word of God.