Are Genesis and Evolution Compatible?
Bertrand Russell and Christianity, Part 2
Part two in a two-part series on Bertrand Russell’s reasons why he rejected Christianity
LDS Baptism Annulled Due to Protest from Jews
A recent news item regarding the Mormon doctrine of “proxy baptism” highlights the inconsistencies of the practice and is the subject of this week’s Penpoints.
Did Jesus Christ Endorse Dishonesty?
Did Christ endorse dishonesty? Some critics so claim. The truth is, it is their dishonesty with the biblical text that is more than obvious.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Luke’s Accuracy – Some “Unfinished Business”
Bible critics have charged that Luke 2:1-3 is rife with historical errors. Yet the following points more than vindicate the great historian.
Is Capital Punishment a Deterrent?
This article addresses the issue of whether capital punishment is a deterrent.
Barking at an Empty Log: Atheism & Millennialism
Do the absence of certain “millennial events” disprove the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible. Not in the least. They do, however, disprove popular millennial theories.
Funeral Customs – Past and Present
We believe that there are principles which a judicious child of God might wish to consider in the planning of funerals.
In What Sense Has Christ Abolished Death?
Paul informed Timothy that Jesus Christ “abolished death” (2 Tim. 1:10). Yet, elsewhere the apostle indicates that death will not be abolished until the return of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 15:24-26). How is the Bible student to reconcile this seeming conflict?
Does God Send Delusions? Can a Person Harden Himself Beyond Hope?
What does the Bible mean when it suggests that God may “send a strong delusion” to some people (2 Thes. 2:11)? Would the “God of truth” actually “send” a lie? Too, is it possible for a person to harden his heart to the extent that he is beyond the hope of salvation?
How Does this Man Know “Letters”?
“How does this man [Jesus] know letters, since he has never learned?” (John 7:15). This text has puzzled many Bible students? How could Christ have so amazed the multitudes with his teaching if he had “never learned”? Study this passage with us.
What About Salvation in ‘Hard Cases’?
A recent news item highlighted a case where an inmate was refused the privilege of being immersed for the remission of his sins. A chorus of sectarian voices argued that “hard cases” like this negate the belief that baptism is a necessary condition for salvation. Is this quibble valid?
Cruel and Unusual Postponement
Can a person uphold the value of life and at the same time argue for the death penalty? The truth is — we esteem life as sacred when we support the principle of capital punishment.
A Rebellion in Heaven
Is there biblical evidence that there once was a rebellion among angels in heaven?
Judge Plagiarizes ACLU Pro-evolution Meanderings
The following article by Art Moore reveals that even some judges are not above unscrupulous conduct in writing their Opinions.
National Center for Science Education & Evolution
The charge that evolution “is in danger of being banished from our schools” is a lie—a lie being perpetrated for the sole purpose of attempting to raise money.
Al Gore on Evolution and School Violence
Former Vice President Al Gore comments on evolution and violence in the public schools
Scopes 2005: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
A trial rages in Pennsylvania over whether or not the concept of “Intelligent Design,” as opposed to “random evolution,” is an appropriate subject for high school science classes. Why are evolutionists so fearful of this ID theme?
Did Jesus Exclude Repentance from Forgiveness?
Why do some Bible verses seem to indicate some people were forgiven without repentance?