Is It Appropriate to Worship Jesus?
Is it appropriate to worship Jesus?
The Corrupt “Incorruptible” Argument Against Baptism
A critic has disputed the biblical position that water baptism is requisite for the forgiveness of sins. He contends that one cannot be saved by a “corruptible” method. But “water” is corruptible. Thus, it has no place in the plan of redemption. Does the argument have merit? Read this article and see.
A Remedy for Troubled Hearts
Unquestionably, there are things we cannot change. We can, however, learn to survive by immersing ourselves in a deep and sustained biblical faith.
Why Was John the Baptist Confused?
Why did John the Baptist seem to doubt the identity of Jesus Christ?
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation
Why Was Jesus Baptized?
Why was Jesus immersed at the hands of John the Baptizer? Many have a difficult time understanding this pivotal event in the life of our Lord.
What Is the Fruit of Repentance?
What is repentance? Is it just being sorry for sin? Or is something more required?
Was David Really a Man After God’s Heart?
How can God describe David as a man “after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22) when he did all of those wicked things that are recorded in the Bible about him?
Who or What Were the Seraphim?
Who or what are the seraphim mentioned in Isaiah 6:2, 6?
What Was that “Light” before the Sun (Genesis 1:3)?
Is the Bible incorrect in referring to the existence of “light” before the creation of the sun? What was that mysterious “light” on the first day of Earth’s history?
The Restoration of First-Century Christianity
Should we be trying to restore the New Testament pattern of Christianity? Or should we abandon the original ideal and modernize the church to keep up with the times?
God’s Great Plan Consummated
Can man know that God exists? Is humanity the result of divine creation, or merely the consequence of impersonal evolutionary forces?
Haggai 2:7 — The Desire of the Nations
Did Haggai refer to Christ as the “desire” of the nations? Study this passage with us.
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
The Demon Frenzy
This article discusses the recent claim by the journal Christianity that demon possession is a present-day reality.
Five Things that Will End When Christ Returns
The apostle Paul’s reference to “the end” in 1 Corinthians 15 examined.
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...
Struggling with Life’s Injustices
Is life fair? Many suggest it is not. Good people suffer and “fat-cat” crooks often prosper. Is there any sense to this? Let us reflect a bit deeper than the surface.