The President, Adultery, and “Baptist Rules”
The dangerous and harmful effects of the false doctrine that a child of God cannot fall from grace
Apostle Peter and the Papacy: A Biblical Examination
The article explores the Roman Catholic belief of Apostle Peter as the original pontiff of the primitive church, arguing against it with references from Peter’s personal writings and other biblical texts.
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.
Revelation 22:8-9 – Was Christ an Angel?
Was Jesus Christ an angel or was he in the same class as deity? Some believe he was Michael, the archangel. What do the scriptures teach?
1 John 1:7 – The Cleansing Fountain
When the conditions God are happily met, one may be assured of the merciful pardon of Heaven.
Luke 1:32,33 – Did Luke Make a Mistake?
In his book Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, & Morality, Steve Allen notes a “mistake” in Luke’s record of the life of Christ.
Are Vegetarians Holier than Thou?
In recent years we have heard more and more about the so-called “animal rights” movement. This is but one of the by-products of the evolutionary philosophy which suggests that all of earth’s biological creatures share a common heritage.
Matthew 18:26 – An Unpayable Debt
A closer look at one of Jesus’ parables intensifies the point intended by our Lord.
Galatians 5:4 – Fallen from Grace
“Once-saved, always-saved” is a convenient way of viewing God’s redemptive plan — but is it biblical? Hear what the apostle Paul has to say about “falling from grace.”
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
Christian Ethics and Legal Maneuvering
Christians are not only responsible to the laws of God, they are accountable to the laws designed to protect society. A relationship with Christ does not exempt one from legal culpability.
Why Do You Refer to Israel as Palestine?
Is it proper to use the name “Palestine” for the territory of Israel today?
Please Explain 1 Peter 3:21
Does baptism come before or after the salvation contemplated in 1 Peter 3:21?
Are the Unfaithful Still “Christians”?
When a child of God abandons his faith, is it still appropriate to refer to him as a “Christian”? What is the significance of this revered name?
LORD and Lord: What’s the Difference?
Why does the title “lord” appear in two formats in the Old Testament, i.e., LORD and Lord?
Matthew 19:24 – The Rich and Heaven
Can the wealthy obtain Heaven?
Genesis 1:1-2 – The Gap Theory
Some point to Genesis 1:1-2 as a biblical basis for the Gap Theory. Yet a brief study of the grammar of this passage shows there is no such basis.
Will Christ Reign Forever?
Some New Testament passages indicate Christ’s reign will end at some point. Others indicate it will last forever. Is this a contradiction? Can these passages be reconciled?
My Cup Runs Over
In that delightful twenty-third Psalm, the writer (most likely David) depicts the lavish blessings bestowed by God. Surely the devout child of God today can echo those sentiments in his own life.
Is America Too Big to Fail?
While politicians are promising hope and change, we would be wise to consider where success and failure actually come from.