Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
Scientists “Xerox” First Human
A week ago, scientists in Massachusetts announced that they have cloned the first human being. Many are protesting this attempt to “play God.” But how are they arguing their case?
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
David Hume and Miracles
Philosopher David Hume failed in disproving the veracity of biblical miracles, but succeeded in revealing the emptiness of his agnosticism.
David’s Prophecy Regarding Judas
The apostle Peter declared that David issued a prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot. Did he? If so, what are some of the lessons to be learned from that inspired declaration?
Can Man Forgive Sins?
Does any man have the right to forgive sins? Some suggest that Jesus granted this authority to the apostles, and then, through them, to others (see John 20:23). Can you explain this passage?
Religion and Morality: The Connection
George Washington affirmed that a nation could not be maintained without morality. Today, some say biblical morality is unnecessary for national success. This essay analyzes the assertion by Alan Dershowitz that morality is not dependent upon religion.
Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the Good Samaritan has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?
Leviticus 5:17 – Ignorance and Accountability
Is “ignorance bliss” with regard to sin? Not according to the Scriptures.
Baptism for the Dead: Revisited
Some while back we published an article reviewing the Mormon dogma of “baptism for the dead.” A distinguished professor at Stanford University disputes our argumentation. This is our response to the gentleman.
Why People Believe in Evolution
People do not believe in evolution because they have been led there by solid evidence. They are stampeded into the Darwinian community by superficial, emotional, and personal factors.
What Is Baptismal Regeneration?
Exactly what is “baptismal regeneration”? Is this doctrine scriptural?
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Why Racists Hate Christianity
Christianity is viewed by promoters of hate and bigotry as an obstacle. Atheism, however, is not.
What Is the Answer to the “Green Tree” Riddle?
On his way to Golgotha, Christ addressed a group of Jerusalem’s weeping women, and asked: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” What is the meaning of this mysterious “green tree” saying?
The Church Needs More Wise Guys
Many of life’s important lessons are found in the book of Proverbs. Although the basic truths contained therein are found elsewhere in the Bible, the Proverbs of Solomon are often vivid phrases that need to be memorized and recited when necessary. This study demonstrates the value of the book of Proverbs by looking at the opening statements of the book itself.
Acts 18:9 – Paul’s Fear at Corinth
God does not want the proclamation of His word to be characterized by a spirit of fearfulness.
The Shocking New “Christian” Generation
Many analysts see some serious “flaws” in what is called “the new Christian generation.” It does appear there are serious problems with many who identify themselves with Jesus Christ.
1 Kings 4:21 – Solomon’s Kingdom
Premillenialists, desperately clinging to the notion that the “land promise” to the Israelites is yet unfulfilled, disregard clear Bible testimony.
Some Facts About Death
Death is a mysterious subject—one that many are ill at ease in discussing. But the Bible can provide one with an altogether different perspective.