What About Jacob’s Prophecy Regarding Zebulun?
Some allege that when Jacob uttered a prophecy regarding the tribe of Zebulun (Genesis 49:13), the declaration failed. Study this issue with us.
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
Haggai 1:6 – A Bag with Holes
The Old Testament prophet Haggai instructs us on what is really important — and what is not.
Psalms 8:8 – The Paths of the Sea
Time and again the knowledge of modern science has “caught up” with that of the Scriptures. Learn how the scientific accuracy of this remarkable passage was confirmed over a century ago.
Galatians 2:11 — A Confrontation with Peter
Consider these two points gleaned from Paul’s confrontation with the apostle Peter.
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
Woman’s Role in the Church
Does the Bible teach that there are different roles for men and women in the scheme of God’s plan for the church?
Bertrand Russell and Christianity, Part 1
Part 1 in a two-part series on Bertrand Russell’s reasons why he rejected Christianity
The Value of Life
Every life is a sacred gift from heaven intended to honor the Creator and prepare us for eternity.
Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
The Authenticity of the New Testament Documents
Are the twenty-seven books of the New Testament genuine history, or merely the reflections of ancient mythology?
2 Samuel 7:12 – The Kingdom Established While David Slept
Samuel’s prophecy concerning the coming kingdom of Christ discredits the theory of premillennialism.
2 Corinthians 6:1 – The Grace of God
Many entertain the notion that grace is some sort of divine blanket that is unconditionally thrown over the sinner to cancel the effect of his sin. This is a serious misconception.
1 Kings 12 — The Sin of Jeroboam
What was the sin of Jeroboam? Unauthorized innovation — still a problem to this day.
Paul’s Two-Year Roman Imprisonment
By weaving together the data found in Paul’s prison epistles, one can get some feeling for how things fared for the apostle in Rome before being imprisoned again and finally departing to be with the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.
Genesis 8:11 – Did the Dove Really Find an Olive Tree?
Is the account of Noah’s flood accurate? How, the critic wants to know, could the dove have plucked a fresh olive leaf from a tree that, a week earlier (Gen. 8:10), had been totally submerged in water?
Psalm 19, Scientifically Accurate
Critics often criticize figurative language in the Bible as being scientifically inaccurate. But even “scientists” use figurative language from time to time. In spite of poetic language, Psalm 19 does contain some descriptions of the sun that are scientifically precise.
Acts 1:16 – Scripture Inspiration
Peter’s recognition of fulfilled prophecies in Acts chapter 1 affirms the inspiration of Scripture.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.
1 John 1:7 – The Cleansing Fountain
When the conditions God are happily met, one may be assured of the merciful pardon of Heaven.