The Lord’s Day
1 Timothy 1:20 – Delivered unto Satan
What does Paul mean when he stated that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan? What great sin warranted this action?
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs
1 Peter 1:22 – “You Have Purified Your Souls”
A comparison of 1 Peter 1:22 and Acts 2:38 amplifies the meaning of “obedience to the truth.”
May One “Judge” Other Churches?
May one criticize the activities of a church of which he is not a member, without being guilty of judging?
Was Jesus Created By God?
Could Jesus have been created by God before the Universe existed? While the Jehovah’s Witnesses make this claim, the Bible does not support it.
What Was the Book of Jashar?
What is the mysterious “Book of Jashar” referenced in the Old Testament?
Is the Bible True?
The October 25th edition of U. S. News & World Report carried a sensational cover story titled “Is The Bible True?” The most significant thing about Jeffrey Sheler’s article, perhaps, is this: it reveals the telling concessions that even the most left-leaning thinkers are forced to make.
Original Sin and a Misapplied Passage
This essay addresses a verse commonly used in support of the false doctrine of original sin.
John Calvin and Grace
John Calvin wielded a great influence in the religious community on the subject of grace. His ideas are circulated in several denominations, and, tragically, have found their way into the thinking of many people.
B.C. Comic: Free Speech or Hate Speech?
When does one’s expressions of belief become “politically incorrect”? Cartoonist, Johnny Hart, had to answer this question when his recent “B.C.” “Easter” comic strip portrayed an extinguished menorah turning into a cross.
The Mormons Seek a Face Lift
The Mormons hope to shed the name “Mormon” in creating a new image.
Logic and Stem Cell Research
Human embryos should not be created whimsically, nor should they be destroyed.
The Emotions of Jesus
In addition to possessing a divine nature, Jesus Christ was also flesh and blood (John 1:14), a human being. He thus shared with us the full range of human emotions.
Is It a Sin for a Christian To Be Depressed?
“Is it a sin for a Christian to be depressed? I am depressed sometimes, and I feel guilty about it. Can you give me any advice?” Christians should have the “peace that passes all understanding,” which Paul describes in Philippians 4:6-7. But this assurance is conditioned on habitually fighting anxiety through prayer. In life, we will all suffer emotional downturns. But Christians look to Christ for comfort and support, and they will be blessed through the divine promise of peace.
The Yoke of Christ
Christianity is best for humankind because it fits us well. If you have burdens, come see what Christ has to offer.
What About “Local” Church Membership?
Is it necessary to be a member of a local church?
Jesus Christ: Pioneer in Human Development
Parents need to reflect upon the example left by young Jesus, and direct their own offspring in a similar course of living.
Luke, the Beloved Historian
The preface to Luke’s Gospel account is packed with exciting information that lays the foundation for the credibility of his specifically designed narrative relating to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson directs our attention to some of these matters.