Firm Promises from God for Troubled Souls
When a Hebrew baby was given the name Ezekiel in the seventh century before Christ, it was almost prophetic of the spiritual resources the child would need for the years that awaited him.
What Are the New Heavens and New Earth?
What is the meaning of the expression, “new heavens and new earth”? Does it refer to the renewal of this planet, or does it signify heaven itself?
Does Divine Justification Exclude Human Obedience?
It is frequently alleged that “justification” is a process accomplished wholly by God, and any “obedience” on the part of man is excluded. But this theory, sincere as it may be, is seriously erroneous. Study this issue with us.
The Value of Morning
At the dawning of the day, your body is as rested as it will be all day, your mind is the sharpest it will be all day—as yet uncluttered with numerous distractions. Why not take advantage of this quiet time?
A Study of Heaven
Heaven will be a wonderful reward for those faithful to God. Unfortunately the biblical teaching on this theme has been grossly perverted in numerous ways. Study this great topic in this article.
The Abuse of Love
Love is a fantastic emotion, from both divine and human vantage points. But it can be abused—and frequently is.
Singin’ the Blues
To many, the fact that modern society appears to be immersed in filth and debauchery portends nothing but gloom. Others look on the brighter side and attempt to seize the opportunities.
Rachel’s Tears
Rachel, the wife of Jacob, died in connection with the birth of her child, Benjamin. Centuries later the apostle Matthew refers to Rachel as “weeping for her children.” This was in connection with Herod’s murder of the male babies in the region of Bethlehem. What was the connection? Let us explore this issue.
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.
The Mystery of God
In the Book of Colossians, Paul develops the theme of Jesus Christ’s role in the great “mystery” of God. In this article, Jason Jackson explores this exciting theme.
Some Wise Words from Zophar
Zophar, one of Job’s friends, was a fierce critic of the patriarch of Uz. Many of his charges were unjust. Occasionally, however, he uttered meaningful truth. This brief article discusses one such episode.
The Resurrection of the Human Body
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible.
Calvinism and the Great Commission
There is a terrible conflict between Christ’s “Great Commission” and the Calvinistic dogma of predestination. It has not been unnoticed even by the disciples of the Swiss reformer.
Growing Doubts about the Resurrection of the Dead
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible, i.e., unbelievable, and their modern counterparts are appearing increasingly—even in today’s church.
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
Numbers 14:11-12 – The Disinheritance of a Rebellious Child
After becoming a “child of God,” is it possible to lose one’s “inheritance”?
Developing Christian Confidence
Most of us would like to have more confidence. Unfortunately, too many people have grounded their confidence upon rotten foundations and have ignored the genuine basis of trust and boldness.
Lessons Learned Through Illness
There are several ways in which one may respond to illness. One is to try and learn from the experience and attempt to develop into a better person. Another is to become bitter and “sour” on life, making others around you miserable. The former is much to be preferred. Reflect with me on this matter.
The Paradox of Anxiety
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.