The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
The Restoration of First-Century Christianity
Should we be trying to restore the New Testament pattern of Christianity? Or should we abandon the original ideal and modernize the church to keep up with the times?
The Establishment of the Church of Christ
Was the church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost? Or was it established at some earlier time in human history?
A Study of the King of Tyre Prophecy in Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28:1-19 is a fascinating study of the prophetic promise of the fall of ancient Tyre. Unfortunately, this segment of scripture has become the seed-bed of two ideas that have no merit in the sacred text, namely the “fall of Satan” in Eden, or else the “rise of the Anti-Christ” near the end of the current historical era. Study this context with us.
The Significance of the Day of Pentecost
Is There Not A Cause?
The account of David and Goliath’s battle teaches numerous spiritual principles.
The Explosive Growth of the Kingdom of Christ
In the parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus predicted that his kingdom would start in a small, relatively obscure fashion; exhibit extraordinary growth; and increase to a large size in proportion to its beginning. History has wonderfully demonstrated the fulfillment of the Savior’s words.
The Influence of Modern Trends on the Church
Is new always better than old? Not always. Some modern trends have had a negative impact on the church.
The Christian and Depression
In spite of relative prosperity, better health, and considerable freedom, many people (even Christians) suffer with depression. What does the Bible say about depression? Is there a spiritual solution for this mental state?
Is the Church a Reed or a Pillar?
A reed is a symbol of instability; a pillar signifies a solid, immovable foundation. The church of today must ask: “Are we a ‘reed shaken in the wind’ or are we the ‘pillar and ground of the truth’”?
Is the Holy Spirit Worthy of Worship?
Is the Holy Spirit, as a divine Being, worthy of our worship? What do the Scriptures teach on this vital theme? Carefully and prayerfully study this subject with us.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
MASADA: The Final and Futile Stand
On a high mountain plateau just west of the Dead Sea in A.D. 73, the final battle between the Romans and the Jews took place. It was the concluding destruction and dispersal of the Hebrew nation, as such previously was known for the preceding fifteen centuries.
Have You Considered The Consequences Of Sin?
The phenomenon of “sin” has wrought a terrible harvest upon this earth. Consider this matter with us.
The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence
The Bible claims to be the word of God. But is there any evidence that this claim is true? Here’s an article you will want to read and save.
Earth: Young or Old? Does It Matter?
Is the earth billions of years old? Does it matter? What does the evidence reveal?
Young Jesus Asks a Question
Even at the age of twelve, Jesus demonstrated remarkable insight into his mission.
False Charges Against Christ
The Intercession of the Spirit
In a marvelous passage designed to inspire confidence in God’s oversight of our lives, Paul affirms that the Holy Spirit assists the Christian in his prayer life.
The Heart of the Matter
A consideration of the biblical data leads only to the conclusion that the heart is a vulnerable feature of the human makeup. One must guard it, and he must cultivate it, with the greatest of diligence.