Haggai 1:6 – A Bag with Holes
The Old Testament prophet Haggai instructs us on what is really important — and what is not.
Malachi 1:2,3 – Jacob Loved, Esau Hated
The book of Malachi states that Jacob was “loved” by God, yet his brother Esau was “hated.” This week’s Margin Notes deals with the use of such language.
The Theological Implications of the Trial of Jesus – Part 2
Did Jesus receive a fair trial? Part 2 of this study documents the various blunders that characterized the farcical “trial” of the Messiah.
Job’s Redeemer
“I know that my Redeemer liveth, and at last he will stand up upon the earth.”
More Skull-Duggery
In July, 2002, another “sensational” fossil discovery was announced. A skull had been found that supposedly thrust humans back some six million years. What are the actual facts regarding this matter?
Reflections on the Pope
Is the New Testament information regarding Peter consistent with the image of the pope? Do the Scriptures teach that the church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostle Peter?
Paul, the Master Preacher
By observing the apostle Paul, Wendell Winkler identifies the traits that make a master preacher.
Revelation 22:8-9 – Was Christ an Angel?
Was Jesus Christ an angel or was he in the same class as deity? Some believe he was Michael, the archangel. What do the scriptures teach?
Zechariah 6:12,13 – The Royal Priest
The book of Zechariah teaches important truths about the Messiah. Study it with us in this week’s Margin Notes.
1 Peter 3:4 — The Incorruptible Spirit
The Scriptures teach that human beings have a spirit/soul that is capable of suffering everlasting punishment.
What About the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21?
Do the signs of Matthew 24:3ff pertain to the impending destruction of Jerusalem, or do they depict conditions near the end of time? Some allege that Matthew 24:21 prohibits an interpretation that focuses upon Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70. Wayne Jackson responds to this objection.
Fortifying the Faith of Our Children
Why do our children succumb to apostasy when they reach maturity? What can we do about it?
Is Christ’s Coming Very, Very Soon?
An article, widely circulated in newspapers around the country a while back, announced that Jesus was coming “very, very soon.” Allegedly, “signs” in the Bible indicate such. In this week’s Question & Answer column, we respond to this baseless assertion.
Can We Understand the Bible Alike?
Recently a preacher raised the question: “Can we all understand the Bible alike?” He declared that we cannot, and asserted that those who believe that we can are simply entertaining an ignorant viewpoint.
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
Matthew Henry: Commentator for the Common Person
Matthew Henry’s commentaries on the Bible have been popular for some three centuries. They provide devotional material that refreshes the spirit. The Bible student may wish to know something of Henry’s background.
The Miraculous Insight of Jesus Christ
The Lord did not always avail himself of miraculous knowledge during his ministry, but when he did, he gave yet another proof that he is the Christ, the Son of God.
The Gospel Writers and Their Quotations from Jesus
When the Gospel writers cite the words of Jesus, they frequently vary their terminology. This is troubling to some. Is this circumstance cause for concern?
Dealing Treacherously with One’s Spouse
Marriage is not a mere civil institution; it is a covenant agreement between two eligible people before God. Far too frequently, it becomes very “uncivil.” People who desire to please the Creator, will work hard to make their
marriages stable.
What Does the Bible Say About the Rapture?
What is the Rapture theory all about? And what does the Bible say about this fantastic “end-time” event? Is it real or merely a fictional idea?