Life, A Precious Gift
Your life on earth is a precious gift. Do not ignore its value; do not squander it in trivial pursuits; do not let it slip away and leave you unprepared. This very day you may wish to contemplate the question: What is your life?
The Mormons Seek a Face Lift
The Mormons hope to shed the name “Mormon” in creating a new image.
Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Church
Carefully study Isaiah 2:2-4 and absorb the rich truths of this prophecy.
1 Kings 4:21 – Solomon’s Kingdom
Premillenialists, desperately clinging to the notion that the “land promise” to the Israelites is yet unfulfilled, disregard clear Bible testimony.
The Magic of Kindness
If we would emulate our God, we will cultivate kindness. This one moral attribute can work wonders on both friends and enemies.
Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
The incident in 2 Kings 2:23-24 of Elisha, the bears, and the mocking lads has been cited by atheists in an attempt to involve the Bible in moral difficulty.
Deuteronomy 5:3,12 – The Scope of the Sabbath
To whom was the seventh-day sabbath a religious obligation?
2 Kings 18:13 — Sennacherib’s Invasion
The case of Sennacherib highlights the foolishness in pitting one’s self against God.
What About Salvation in ‘Hard Cases’?
A recent news item highlighted a case where an inmate was refused the privilege of being immersed for the remission of his sins. A chorus of sectarian voices argued that “hard cases” like this negate the belief that baptism is a necessary condition for salvation. Is this quibble valid?
Reinventing the Family
This is a review of Rosemary Reuther’s book which attempts to defend new “marriage” relationships.
Stranger? Or Family and Friend?
What a thrilling concept it is to transition from being a stranger to becoming a citizen, indeed, a family member and a “friend.” Our Lord once said: “You are my friends if you do the things which I command you” (John 15:14).
Three Precious Lessons from the Book of Ruth
The story of Ruth ... and three precious lessons from this memorable book from the Old Testament.
Psalm 8:3-4 – What Is Man?
The psalmist, David, records some of the most profound thoughts capable of human beings in Psalm 8.
Jeremiah and Lamentations
A popular-level commentary of the two prophetic books penned by Jeremiah
Mrs. Job — A Portrait of Defection
While Job is an example of how to endure hardship through patience and faith, his wife provides an interesting study of one who’s faith failed during tough times.
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
The Christian Priesthood
What About the Thief on the Cross?
If the thief on the cross could be saved without being baptized, why cannot people today do the same?
What Is Truth? — A Question for the Ages
A careful investigation of the biblical text provides a powerful antidote to the postmodern confusion which alleges that truth is subjective, elusive, and ephemeral.
Is God “Schizoid”?
A writer suggests that the “God” of the Old Testament is harsh, while the “Christ” of the New Testament is gentle. This circumstance, he alleges, constitutes a conflict with reference to the nature of God. Does it? Examine this issue with us.