Can a Christian Walk Away from God?
Many believe that a Christian can never be lost. But what does the Bible say?
Three Great Facts about God
There are many wonderful truths regarding God upon which the sincere soul should meditate. In this article we consider but three. Reflect upon these with us.
Is Christian Worship Regulated by New Testament Law?
A gentleman affiliated with the Independent Christian Church has argued that Christian worship is not regulated by New Testament law? Does this theory have the support of Scripture?
Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
Is the Bible a historically dependable book? If not, why should one trust it in redemptive matters? The fact is, however, the Scriptures have been demonstrated to be trustworthy in countless details. This week’s Question/Answer briefly addresses this issue.
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
Is Your Worship Becoming Disney Church?
Many churches are leaving the pattern of faith and practice found in the New Testament and adopting a modern, community model.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Jessie “The Body” Ventura Takes a Dive
While Mr. Ventura has enjoyed some initial popularity, his polls have taken a sharp dip.
The Philosophy of John Calvin
John Calvin was a tremendously influential person in Protestant history. But his Institutes reveals his philosophy towards the Holy Scriptures. Is this philosophy worthy of emulation?
Is Fasting for Christians Today?
Should Christians practice fasting?
What Is the Baptism of Fire?
What is the “baptism of fire” mentioned in Matthew 3:11?
What Was the Nature of Cain’s Sin?
What was Cain’s sin? Weakness, lack of faith or downright rebellion?
What About Divorce?
Clergyman Attacks Bible — Is Ousted
Derek Stanesby was expelled from the pulpit where he often was invited to speak, because he attacked the Bible, denying that it is the “word of God.”
Why Do Men Reject God?
Most people in the world, throughout the ages of history, have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Since unbelief is neither reasonable nor the norm, one cannot but wonder why some people become atheists.
Misdirected Benevolence
Spiritual people will feel compassion for the poor. But do we always exercise wisdom in our efforts to help? Let us reflect upon some principles relative to assisting the needy.
The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
The Things God Has Prepared
In 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul speaks of those “things” which God has prepared for them who love him. Let us contemplate this thrilling context and some of the truths it teaches.
The Word-tenses of Salvation
Have you ever considered the fact that “salvation” can be a future, past, present, still future event, depending upon the vantage point from which one is speaking? Think about this “tense” issue with us.
The Pope Ignites a Controversy
Benedict XVI, the current “pope” of the Roman Catholic Church, recently ignited a firestorm of controversy by reaffirming the oft-made church claim that salvation is found exclusively in the Roman Church.