Skeletons in the Closet of Science
In many ways, science has often been its own worst enemy. This article demonstrates that just because some idea is supported by “science” does not mean that it is infallible or believable.
How to Read the Book: Nine Rules for Effective Bible Reading
The Bible is not an ordinary book. It is the only revelation of God’s nature and will; it alone is “profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteous” (2 Timothy 3:16). It can make us wise unto salvation, and the word is able to save our souls (2 Timothy 3:15; James 1:21). In this article, Jason Jackson discusses the importance of reading God’s word, and he offers some proven methods to boost your Bible reading.
Was Melchizedek the Preincarnate Christ?
Was Melchizedek the preincarnate Christ?
The Agony of Gethsemane
As Jesus prayed on the mount of Olives, “his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Lk. 22:44). Did blood actually come from the Lord’s skin, or is the language merely a figure of speech emphasizing the Savior’s agony?
Wise Counsel About Friends from Proverbs
When is a friend a real “friend”? Solomon offers several spiritual values of a good friend.
Christian and “Higher Education”, The
Youngsters who attend secular educational institutions frequently are confronted with seriously erroneous teachings. How do they deal with these dangerous situations? It doesn’t have to be a hostile encounter.
The ACLU – Bible Enemy No. 1
What a perverse operation it is, when the ACLU uses the Bible—which it detests so much—as a money-raising scheme for its God-dishonoring agenda.
Solomon’s Basin and “Pi” — A Bible Error?
Does the Bible contain a mathematical error relative to the dimensions of Solomon’s temple basin? Critics so claim, but what are the actual facts?
Esther 9:26 – Purim
The Jewish feast of Purim has its origin in the book of Esther.
2 John 6 – The Nature of Love
There are three characteristics of love evident in the Apostle John’s inspired statement.
Pope Issues Apostolic Letter on 24th Anniversary of His “Petrine Ministry”
On October 16, 2002, John Paul II celebrated the anniversary of his 24th year of service as pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. News commentators compared this lengthy tenure with that of Peter himself! In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson discusses the alleged connection between the apostle Peter and the man who now claims to be the apostle’s modern successor.
That Nameless, Unreasoning, Unjustified Terror
In an era of great distress, President Franklin Roosevelt offered our nation some wise words of comfort. His sentiments were never more needed than now.
Fundamentalist Mormonism Is the Original Mormonism
The Fundamentalist Mormon Church has been in the news of late, with the raid on the Texas Temple and the rescue of women and children from their peril. News outlets have repeatedly stated that this “Fundamentalist” movement bears no relationship to the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. That is a serious misconception.
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
Lessons from the Grand Canyon
Does the Grand Canyon provide visual testimony in support of the theory of evolution?
The Value of Human Suffering
In spite of our reluctance to admit it, pain and suffering has some value.
2 Peter 1:8 – Conditional Salvation
Faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love are all qualities the apostle Peter identifies as qualifying one’s salvation.
Some Final Words from Paul
The apostles Paul’s final epistle to Timothy, contains a passage that is so brimming with meaning that it scarcely can be exhausted. Study it with us.
The Song Police
Some songs certainly are unscriptural. But we should be sure that we do not irrationally object to songs based on our own misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”