Harold Kushner’s Messiah
When Harold Kushner wrote a book for children with religious questions, he de-personalized the “Messiah” of the Old Testament. Without any justification whatever, he simply re-wrote history. Such is the epitome of arrogance.
Is a “Loveless Marriage” Scriptural Grounds for Divorce?
When “Sick at Heart” wrote to “Dear Abby” concerning her loveless marriage, Abby directed her to seek a “spiritual advisor.” One such advisor wrote in with his perspective. Was it spiritual? For advice to be spiritual and beneficial, it must be scriptural. Jason Jackson challenges “Reverend” Norman L. Conaway’s claim to be providing spiritual advice.
I Know My Redeemer Lives
Do we know that Christ, our Redeemer, is living today? If so, how do we know this? Is such merely by a feeling within our “heart”? Reflect seriously upon this matter for a moment.
The Starbucks Agenda: Want some “theology” with your latte?
Want some twisted “theology” with that early morning steaming latté? You can obtain it at Starbucks.
A Footnote on the Mary Winkler Case
A recent book by renowned crime journalist, Ann Rule, has a one hundred-plus-page discussion of the 2006 sensational Mary Winkler case—the woman who shot her minister husband in the back. This is a brief review of Rule’s conclusions.
The Skeptics’ Bogus Bounty
A response to a challenge from a dishonest infidel
A Rabbi Argues with Jesus—and Loses!
The “Rabbi” imagines meeting Jesus face-to-face on a dusty road in Galilee nearly two thousand years ago.
When Silence Is Eloquent
During his trial before Pilate, Christ boldly confirmed that he was a king, but that his followers did not fight—a bold claim since hours earlier one of his disciples attempted to decapitate a government official. Why, then, was this one little statement by Christ not exploited by his enemies?
Abraham – A Case of Old Testament Accuracy
Several important achaeological discoveries demonstrate once again the uncanny accuracy of the Bible.
Will a Properly Trained Child Never Go Wrong?
If a child is trained correctly, can he ever go wrong? What is the “rod” of correction?
Are the New Testament Books Historically Credible?
While uninformed modern critics continue to question the credibility of the New Testament documents, the evidence continues to pile up which establishes their genuineness.
The Jewish Talmud and the Death of Christ
There is an interesting passage in the Jewish Talmud that mentions the death of Christ. Though written from a negative vantage point, it nonetheless constitutes a marvelous confirmation of the biblical record.
Did Jesus Promise to Send the Comforter to Me?
Do Christians today receive the Comforter as promised by Christ in the gospel of John?
Understanding the Sense of Bible Words
Words can take on different senses depending upon the context in which they are found.
The Preposition “Eis” in Acts 2:38
It has long been known that denominationalists, welded to the theory of salvation by “faith alone,” repudiate the connection between baptism and the forgiveness of sins. Some, formally sound on this issue, now are capitulating to sectarian error. Take a brief look at this issue with us.
A Simple Study of the Word “If”
One of the first forms of logical reasoning that children learn is the significance of the particle, “if.” Unfortunately, many forget the meaning of the term in adulthood — especially in religious matters.
The Lord Is My Rock
The word “rock” is a common biblical metaphor. It illustrates many great truths about God. This article briefly surveys this topic.
Dealing with Mail
E-mail, regular mail — what will it be today? Let me give you a small sample of the frustrations associated with writing. It’s not a problem of enormous magnitude — we deal with it. Occasionally, however, it’s good to “vent.”
Questions for God
A survey in USA Today reports the most popular questions people would like to ask God. Most of these questions have already been answered within the pages of his Holy Book.
The Devastating Effects of Divorce
The marriage principles found in the Bible have a purpose; they are designed for our benefit.