Did Jesus Violate the Sabbath?
A Christian writer/speaker, who travels extensively and lectures on “Does God Exist?,” has written that the Bible indicates that Jesus, on one occasion, “violated” the Old Testament Sabbath-day law. He has cited the Gospel of Mark 2:23-24. Would you comment on this?
Mark 11:20 – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
Does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11 reveal a “dark side” to the Savior? Not at all. Wayne Jackson explains this curious passage.
Rich Nuggets in Romans 14:9
Tucked away in Romans 14:9 are some rich nuggets of truth that will enhance your faith.
Jehovah’s “Messenger” – An Amazing Prophecy
In the final book of the Old Testament there is a stunning prophecy that deals with the mission of John the Baptizer and the Lord Jesus—who was the object of John’s preparatory work. A study of this text pays rich dividends.
A Warning to a Wayward Church
Not all churches, even those belonging to Christ, are of equal quality. This is forcefully illustrated in Christ’s letter to the church in Laodicea.
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
Are the Dead “Asleep”?
Why do Christians teach that the dead are conscious, when the Scriptures refer to death as “sleep”?
Concerning Dogs and Hogs
Christ once warned against giving that which is holy to dogs, and casting pearls before swine. But how many heed his admonition?
The Pope Ignites a Controversy
Benedict XVI, the current “pope” of the Roman Catholic Church, recently ignited a firestorm of controversy by reaffirming the oft-made church claim that salvation is found exclusively in the Roman Church.
Alan Dershowitz, Jesus Christ, and Logic
Alan Dershowitz praised Jesus very highly as an enlightened Jewish rabbi, then added: “He’s just not my Messiah.”
The Judas Make-Over
Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ, was one of the most despicable characters ever to disgrace the human family. Why has it become so fashionable to attempt a rehabilitation of this culprit? Because perverse men delight in calling darkness light, and light darkness.
Does John 6:37 Teach Calvinist “Predestination”?
It is commonly alleged that Jesus, in John 6:37, endorsed the idea of “predestination” as popularized by John Calvin in the 16th century. Did he? Study this question with us.
Those Bogus “Jesus Bones”
News sources are filled with sensational reports that the “bones of Jesus” have been discovered in Jerusalem. This is but another tale for the illusional. Read about it.
What About That “a god” Translation in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible?
Why does the Jehovah’s Witness’ Bible render John 1:1 as, “the Word was a god”?
1 Peter 1:1-2 – Foreknowledge
When 1 Peter 1:1, 2 is seen in concert with related biblical material, the doctrine of election is removed from the confusing fog of sectarian dogma.
O Woman, Great Is Your Faith!
A brief devotional study on one of the greatest examples of faith during the ministry of Christ.
1 John 2:1 – The Advocate
Christ is our attorney, pleading our case before the Father. What a thrilling concept!
Salvation Is from the Jews
Jesus once declared, “Salvation is from the Jews.” What did he mean?
Ephesians 1:4 – Predestination
Does this passage teach that our salvation is strictly a matter of God’s arbitrary election before the world was made, irrespective of any choice that we might exercise in the matter?
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword – Part 2
The Lord expects his disciples to demonstrate a loving disposition, while, at the same time, defending the truth vigorously. All of us to some extent, have made errors in both of these areas. And sometimes, we do more harm than good when attempting to defend truth with incorrect reasoning. This is part two in a three-part series, “Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword.”