Is It a Sin for a Christian To Be Depressed?
“Is it a sin for a Christian to be depressed? I am depressed sometimes, and I feel guilty about it. Can you give me any advice?” Christians should have the “peace that passes all understanding,” which Paul describes in Philippians 4:6-7. But this assurance is conditioned on habitually fighting anxiety through prayer. In life, we will all suffer emotional downturns. But Christians look to Christ for comfort and support, and they will be blessed through the divine promise of peace.
The Mormons Seek a Face Lift
The Mormons hope to shed the name “Mormon” in creating a new image.
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 1
Can we do more harm than good when defending the truth with incorrect reasoning?
The Establishment of the Church of Christ
Was the church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost? Or was it established at some earlier time in human history?
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
The Last Supper
Poignant words concisely spoken are echoed in worship assemblies every Lord’s Day. In remembrance of him, Christians recall the words of Jesus, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many unto remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28).
Marriage: As Designed by God
What is the origin and design of marriage?
DISgrace Institute: A Religious Disconnect
When it comes to religion, some folks have a real “disconnect.” By that I mean they are strong in arguing for a particular doctrinal platform, but they see no relationship between their theological peculiarities and their conduct of life.
The Value of Persecution
Have you ever been persecuted for your faith? Have you suffered the abuse of others for Christ?
Old Testament Events and the Goodness of God
Some have suggested that certain accounts within the Old Testament appear to depict God not as holy, kind, good, and merciful, but instead as unjust, mean, vengeful, and unmerciful. How can God be called “good” in light of such events?
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?
Making Sense of the Bible
The Bible is the most important book one could ever read. And it is possible to understand it, when the great plan of the Bible is taken into consideration. Wayne Jackson walks through the 66 books of the Bible and highlights the message and purpose of each inspired text.
Should the Ten Commandments Be Posted?
Why do some want the Ten Commandments posted in public places, when the New Testament teaches that the law was a ministration of death?
Are There “Signs” of the Second Coming of Christ?
Predicting the return of Jesus Christ is a full-time hobby for some. Does Matthew 24 contain the signs needed to predict Christ’s return?
Paul’s Discourse to the Elders at Ephesus
As Paul concludes his third missionary journey, he pauses at Miletus to meet with the elders of the church in Ephesus. His words are filled with admonition and exhortation, and they contain many wonderful truths needed by today’s church. This month’s Feature deals with the apostle’s address.
Dealing Treacherously with One’s Spouse
Marriage is not a mere civil institution; it is a covenant agreement between two eligible people before God. Far too frequently, it becomes very “uncivil.” People who desire to please the Creator, will work hard to make their
marriages stable.
Did Matthew Blunder?
Matthew, in appealing to a prophecy, seems to attribute it to Jeremiah, whereas the Old Testament has it in the book of Zechariah. Critics, in characteristic fashion, have charged Matthew with an error.
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
The Study of Biblical Words
The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, and by its words spiritual life is obtained. No person who is really interested in the eternal welfare of his soul can afford to neglect a careful study of the words of sacred Scripture.