How Many People Died in Noah’s Flood?
Is there any way to know how many people were on the earth at the time of the Great Flood of Genesis?
The True Meaning of Grace
Grace is one of the most thrilling terms in scripture. It is a tragedy of no small magnitude that it is so perverted by the religious world. What does the Bible really teach about the amazing favor of God?
My Cup Runs Over
In that delightful twenty-third Psalm, the writer (most likely David) depicts the lavish blessings bestowed by God. Surely the devout child of God today can echo those sentiments in his own life.
Does God Exist?
Are there good, logical reasons to believe that there is a God?
The Little Horn of Daniel’s Sea-beast
Exactly who, or what, was this infamous “little horn”?
Luke’s Accuracy – Some “Unfinished Business”
Bible critics have charged that Luke 2:1-3 is rife with historical errors. Yet the following points more than vindicate the great historian.
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.
Cyrus the Great in Biblical Prophecy
A study of Cyrus the Great and his role in biblical prophecy
An Instructive Episode in the Ministry of Paul
Why did Paul, who was an apostle, go to Jerusalem in Acts 15 to settle a dispute in the early church.
Ishmael or Isaac? The Koran or the Bible?
Did Abraham offer Ishmael or Isaac? The Bible and the Koran differ on this issue. Which book is really divine revelation? Does it matter?
Should Christians Have All Things in Common?
Communism has held millions of people in its oppressive grasp, forcing a distribution of personal resources among the masses. Some even allege that early Christianity was characterized by this disposition. They contend that anyone in “need” has a “right” to the prosperity of others. In this week’s Question & Answer segment, Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
Hebrews 7:14 – The Law of Silence
If God does not authorize a religious practice, it is forbidden. Thus, silence is prohibitive.
What About Mechanical Instruments of Music in Christian Worship?
A sincere Christian wants to know: “Why don’t churches of Christ use instruments of music in their worship?” The issue comes down to the matter of authority. Take a look at this theme with us in this week’s Question and Answer.
Liberalism’s Manipulation of Scripture
Theological “liberalism” has no regard for the plain testimony of Scripture. With the “liberal,” all biblical events must be measured in the light of “modern” knowledge. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a shocking example of this kind of perversion of Bible history.
Uniqueness of the Biblical Creation Record, The
The ridiculous creation fables of mankind only serve to emphasize the genuineness of the Genesis account of the beginning.
Why Did the Resurrected Jesus Not Appear to His Enemies?
Why did Jesus appear only to his disciples following his resurrection? Would not an appearance to the Jewish or Roman authorities have been more effective?
The Influence of Evolution upon Religion
How has Charles Darwin’s popular theory of origins influenced religious thinkers?
A Rabbi Argues with Jesus—and Loses!
The “Rabbi” imagines meeting Jesus face-to-face on a dusty road in Galilee nearly two thousand years ago.
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.