Is There a Future Kingdom?
The New Testament clearly teaches that the kingdom of Christ was established on the day of Pentecost. But it also reveals a “kingdom” that is eternal and heavenly that is yet to come.
Was the Gospel Preached throughout the “Whole World” in the First Century?
There are several biblical passages which appear to indicate that the gospel was preached to the whole creation in the first century. How are these to be viewed? It is a problem that confuses many people. But there is a reasonable answer.
The Jesus Seminar – Part 2
A response to The Jesus Seminar, as featured by the Peter Jennings ABC special, In Search of Jesus
Lessons from Lamentations
Ephesians 2:3 – By Nature Children of Wrath
Does this passage prove the Calvanistic doctrine of hereditary total depravity? Not in the least.
Woman’s Role in the Church
Does the Bible teach that there are different roles for men and women in the scheme of God’s plan for the church?
The Role of Woman
There are those in the body of Christ who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the Lord’s kingdom.
Should a Christian Marry Outside the Faith?
This discussion addresses whether or not a Christian should marry “out of the faith.”
Mohammed and His Religion
The Islamic system is growing rapidly in America, and Christians need to familiarize themselves with the history and basic teachings of this religion.
Be Still and Know That I Am God — Revisited
Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
Y2K and Millennial Mania
Will the turn of the century mark the beginning of Christ’s reign on Earth?
Can God Be Seen?
How does one reconcile Bible passages which suggest that some “saw” God, but, on the other hand, God cannot be “seen”?
The English Standard Version
Wayne Jackson reviews the new English Standard Version translation of the Bible.
God’s Great Plan in Perpetuity
If one looks at each of the three processes involved in the salvation of mankind — development, consummation, and revelation, he should see that each was effected in perpetuity, and none is being replicated today.
Was Christ Originally “Created” by God?
There are those who allege that Jesus Christ did not have an eternal existence; rather, they claim, he was originally created by God, the Father. One passage that supposedly supports this view is Revelation 3:14. But does it? Study this text with us.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Jessie “The Body” Ventura Takes a Dive
While Mr. Ventura has enjoyed some initial popularity, his polls have taken a sharp dip.
Help Me, Doctor!
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this procedure is the floodlight it casts upon the “person” inside the womb.
The Things God Has Prepared
In 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, Paul speaks of those “things” which God has prepared for them who love him. Let us contemplate this thrilling context and some of the truths it teaches.