A New Edict from the Vatican
This editorial discusses the recent Vatican affirmation regarding the “primacy of Peter.”
Reinventing Atonement
Modern critics are attempting to re-invent the reason for Christ’s death.
Ron Wyatt, the “Indiana Jones” of the SDA Church
Prior to his death in 1999, Ron Wyatt frequently made tabloid news with his sensational claims of astounding archaeological discoveries. But what is the real story behind such boasts — still made by some of his disciples?
Christian Priorities
What does Jesus expect from his disciples?
The Bible Doesn’t Say, “Don’t Do It,” Does It?
Must the Bible explicitly condemn something to make it wrong?
Reflections on the Pope
Is the New Testament information regarding Peter consistent with the image of the pope? Do the Scriptures teach that the church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostle Peter?
Did Jesus Christ Exist in the Form of God on Earth?
Was Jesus fully God or less than fully God while he was on the earth?
God’s Great Plan in Perpetuity
If one looks at each of the three processes involved in the salvation of mankind — development, consummation, and revelation, he should see that each was effected in perpetuity, and none is being replicated today.
What Does It Mean To Be a Born Again Christian?
Jesus said that unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God. So, what does it mean to be born again? Let’s explore the Bible for an answer to this important question.
Amos 1:1-2:3 — Judgment upon the Nations
The judgment pronounced on pagan nations by Amos the prophet point to the accountability of all people to the laws of God.
Feigned Miracles and Gullible People
A sixteen-year-old girl in a remote region of India was about to be buried; suddenly, she sat up. According to the report, the young lady testified that she had been dead, but the Lord “sent her back” to tell her neighbors about “the real God.”
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 1
Part one of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
Anointing with Oil – James 5:14
Should elders anoint the sick with oil in connection with their prayers?
The Necessity and Reality of a Sinless Savior
Was Jesus absolutely sinless? What does the evidence actually reveal? If he was sinless, was this necessary in the divine scheme of things? If so, why?
Internet Etiquette
In the internet age, the ease of communication without thought has caused many problems.
Islam and the Enemy
It has been charged that both Christianity and Islam are religions of violence. In this article, the teachings of these two systems, regarding how to treat one’s enemies, are laid side by side.
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
The Folly of Atheism
Many atheists proclaim themselves to be intellectuals. In fact, they are fools.
Are You Homophobic?
The “Gay community” is “in your face” these days, foisting their agenda of perversion upon a largely unsuspecting society. Progressively downward we seem to spiral, toward an abyss of amoral corruption. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson responds to the oft-repeated charge of “homophobia.”