Are There “Signs” of the Second Coming of Christ?
Predicting the return of Jesus Christ is a full-time hobby for some. Does Matthew 24 contain the signs needed to predict Christ’s return?
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
This Generation Shall Not Pass Away
Are the visible signs of Matthew 24 indicators of the Lord’s Second Coming or of a conflict that would occur within the life span of “that generation”?
Frankenstein Is Alive and Well!
Oh, they don’t call it murder. To these mad scientists, it’s just “embryo research.”
The Jesus Ossuary Inscription
Today, archaeology scholars have stunned the world by an announcement that an inscription, possibly bearing the name of Jesus Christ, has been found on a stone bone-burial box in Israel. If the find proves to be authentic, it will provide further striking evidence of the historicity of the existence of Jesus.
Herodotus and the Bible
This article shows how the histories of Herodotus confirm the reliability of the Bible.
Mohammed and His Religion
The Islamic system is growing rapidly in America, and Christians need to familiarize themselves with the history and basic teachings of this religion.
Heaven, The Home of Our Soul
Heaven is a place prepared for a prepared people.
Islam’s Denial of the Death of Jesus Christ
Mohammed’s system is vigorously opposed to the facts of the Christian gospel.
Islam and the Deity of Jesus Christ
Moslems insist that Jesus Christ was merely a “messenger” of God, in the same sense that others (e.g., Moses) were but prophets. They deny that he possessed the nature of deity, or that he even claimed to be the “Son of God.” But what does the actual evidence reveal?
Jesus Showed Himself Alive By Many Proofs
What evidence is there that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
Belly-button Rings and Low-rider Jeans
What are little girls made of? “Sugar and spice and everything nice” have been replaced by belly-button jewelry, super-small shirts, and pants that reveal far too much information.
Paul’s “Mother”
So many noble women have served in the kingdom of Christ. They do not fully comprehend their contribution to the Lord’s servants and to his cause.
Ernest Renan’s Assessment of Jesus Christ
Tiny Clues – Dramatic Results
The New Testament record of women being the first witnesses to Christ’s resurrection argues for the integrity of the biblical records.
May Christian Women Teach Christian Boys?
May Christian women teach a Bible class in which some of her students may be young boys who have become Christians? Some strongly object to this. But is the objection valid? This article addresses this sensitive topic.
The Emotions of Jesus
In addition to possessing a divine nature, Jesus Christ was also flesh and blood (John 1:14), a human being. He thus shared with us the full range of human emotions.
Those Significant “Silent Years”
The Bible student is sometimes puzzled as to why much of the boyhood life of Christ is omitted from the New Testament record. This was no accident. Actually, it is a subtle evidence of the inspiration of the sacred record. This week’s Penpoints touches on this issue.
The Marks of Jesus
Paul once wrote that the “marks of Jesus” were on his body. Let us explore that marvelous phrase.