Bible Accuracy
“To err is human.” This truth is forcefully illustrated when one examines the literary productions of mankind. Amazingly, however, the Bible is unblemished by the flaws that generally characterize man’s writings.
The Value of Modesty
Is modesty a lost virtue? Can it be regained?
Are Logic and Scripture Compatible?
Not only are logic and Scripture compatible, they are inseparable. If we understand the Bible correctly, and use valid reasoning, biblical truths are concluded.
The Church Needs More Wise Guys
Many of life’s important lessons are found in the book of Proverbs. Although the basic truths contained therein are found elsewhere in the Bible, the Proverbs of Solomon are often vivid phrases that need to be memorized and recited when necessary. This study demonstrates the value of the book of Proverbs by looking at the opening statements of the book itself.
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is the title of a documentary movie that premiers across the nation on Friday, April 18. We encourage our readers to see this presentation.
The Christian and the Workplace
More and more, it appears, Americans are finding that materialism isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. Without some sort of spiritual flavor, there is a void in life—an aching of the soul that longs for a greater satisfaction.
1 Peter 1:22 – “You Have Purified Your Souls”
A comparison of 1 Peter 1:22 and Acts 2:38 amplifies the meaning of “obedience to the truth.”
Habakkuk 1:2 – A Challenge to God
The background and purpose of the Old Testament book of Habakkuk reminds us of God’s providential activity among the nations.
Hebrews 11—What Is Faith?
Hebrews chapter 11 is a biblical record of faith. The examples listed there are our road map to understanding true faith.
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
Does Starlight Require Millions of Years to Reach the Earth?
Does starlight require millions of years to reach the earth?
What Is Leviathan?
This article discusses the possibility of “leviathan,” mentioned in Job, chapter 41.
Firm Promises from God for Troubled Souls
When a Hebrew baby was given the name Ezekiel in the seventh century before Christ, it was almost prophetic of the spiritual resources the child would need for the years that awaited him.
Debt and Depression
One of the significant causes of depression today is indebtedness.
Progressively Aggressive “Gay” Movement, The
The so-called “Gay” movement in America is becoming increasingly aggressive. While Christians must exhibit kindness to all, moral principle cannot be compromised.
The Divine View of Death
How does God, the Creator of human life, view death? Certainly not in the way many humans do. What does the Bible say about the matter?
Will the Earth Abide Forever?
Does Ecclesiastes 1:4 prove that the earth will abide forever?
Nostradamus—Prophet or Pretender?
Was Nostradamus a prophet or pretender? Atheists allege his prophecies are just as impressive as prophecies found in the Bible.
Psalm 95 — A Message of Urgency
Psalm 95, and echoes thereof in the New Testament, speak eloquently to the man and woman of today. Those who “have ears to hear,” should do so with great dispatch. Are you listening to God’s voice?
Is America Too Big to Fail?
While politicians are promising hope and change, we would be wise to consider where success and failure actually come from.