What About Baptism on the Day of Pentecost?
Some allege that some 3,000 people could not have been immersed on the day of Pentecost because: (a) There was not enough time for twelve apostles to accomplish that feat; (b) There was not enough water in Jerusalem to accommodate such a great multitude.
Exploiting Human Weakness: A Look at Vice Taxation
Christians need to oppose wrong-doing on the basis of principle, rather than capitulating to compromising crumbs thrown to us from the tables of politicians.
Alexander Campbell and Christ’s Church
Members of the Lord’s church are sometimes erroneously referred to as “Campbellites.” What exactly is behind such appellation?
The Value of Life
Every life is a sacred gift from heaven intended to honor the Creator and prepare us for eternity.
Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
Al Gore on Evolution and School Violence
Former Vice President Al Gore comments on evolution and violence in the public schools
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
Why Does Hebrews 8:13 Use the Present Tense?
Some Bible students are puzzled that the writer of Hebrews uses present tense forms (8:13) to depict the passing of the Mosaic law. How are these to be explained in light of Bible teaching elsewhere that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ (Eph. 2:15)?
More Controversy at ACU
This article discusses the recent controversy at Abilene Christian University regarding the Boy Scouts and the homosexual movement.
Training Killers
Author David Grossman has shown that the tactics employed by the military to turn young men into killing machines are prevalent in the entertainment media used by our youth.
Does the Marriage of an Unbeliever to a Believer Sanctify the Unbeliever?
Does 1 Corinthians 7:14 teach that a non-Christian is “sanctified” (saved) by being married to a Christian?
What About Judging Angels, Godfathers and Ezekiel’s Temple?
This week’s Question & Answer segment addresses concerns regarding the “judging of angels,” the practice of appointing a “Godfather,” and the matter of the Messiah and the “temple” pictured in the book of Ezekiel.
Religion and Morality: The Connection
George Washington affirmed that a nation could not be maintained without morality. Today, some say biblical morality is unnecessary for national success. This essay analyzes the assertion by Alan Dershowitz that morality is not dependent upon religion.
What Are You Looking for in a Church?
Moving into a new community? Having a life-altering crisis? Children growing up in a wicked society? Thinking about a church? Many people are; unfortunately, however, too many are looking for the wrong things.
God’s Care For His People
Some interesting facts that illustrate God’s special care and concern for his people.
Exodus 7:3 – The Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart
Who bears responsibility for the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart?
John Calvin and Grace
John Calvin wielded a great influence in the religious community on the subject of grace. His ideas are circulated in several denominations, and, tragically, have found their way into the thinking of many people.
Lessons from the La Brea Tar Pits
This article is a discussion of the fossil evidence found at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles.
Walking Through the Book of Ephesians
It is vital that the servants of Christ pursue their daily walk with serious resolution.
If “Tongues” Have Ceased, Why Hasn’t “Knowledge”?
A critic, who believes that “speaking in tongues” is a gift available in this age, believes he has detected a flaw in our position that the gift of tongues was restricted to the first century. Based upon his view of 1 Corinthians 13:8ff, he argues that if “tongues” are obsolete, then “knowledge” should be as well. Since we still have knowledge, it is claimed, tongues remain as well. Here is our response to the gentleman’s objection.