Dispensationalism and Zechariah 14
Zechariah 14 has no reference whatever to a millennial reign of Christ upon the earth.
The Biblical View of Death
What does death involve? This terminal human experience can be a frightening prospect indeed if one is unprepared for it.
Deuteronomy 5:3,12 – The Scope of the Sabbath
To whom was the seventh-day sabbath a religious obligation?
The Fig Tree Incident—A Contradiction?
Bible critics allege that Matthew and Mark contradict one another in their Gospel accounts relating to the “cursing” of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple. This week’s Q&A segment addresses this issue.
Funeral Customs – Past and Present
We believe that there are principles which a judicious child of God might wish to consider in the planning of funerals.
Jesus Showed Himself Alive By Many Proofs
What evidence is there that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
What Is Meant by “the Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect”?
What is the meaning of that phrase in the book of Hebrews, “the spirits of just men made perfect”? In order to understand the expression, the surrounding context must be examined. This study does that.
Don’t Judge Me!
A common defense mechanism is: “Don’t judge me!” But is all judging condemned in the Bible?
Ernest Renan’s Assessment of Jesus Christ
Science and the Eagle’s Wings
A seemingly casual reference to the eagle’s wing more than 2,700 years ago is remarkably scientifically accurate.
Divine Design: The Complexity and Uniqueness of the Human Body
Wayne Jackson explores the divine design of the human body, its complex systems, and its unique features. It argues against an evolutionary origin and emphasizes the spiritual, intellectual, and moral image of God reflected in humanity, as described in the Bible.
Marriage: As Designed by God
What is the origin and design of marriage?
Matthew 5:5 — Meek Inherit the Earth
What is “meekness”? And what did Jesus mean when he said the meek will “inherit the earth”?
A Rebellion in Heaven
Is there biblical evidence that there once was a rebellion among angels in heaven?
Who Was the Good Samaritan?
The parable of the Good Samaritan has echoed down the corridors of time for the past 2,000 years. What makes it so memorable?
Lessons from the Grand Canyon
Does the Grand Canyon provide visual testimony in support of the theory of evolution?
The Authority of Jesus Christ
Authority is one of those words that usually creates an instant emotional reaction—in some folks, fear and distrust, in others safety and order. While Jesus was the image of love and gentleness, he also possesses and exercises great authority.
Examine me, Lord — A Study of Psalm 26
Psalm 26 is a thrilling example of a sincere man, most likely king David, who, in spite of personal weaknesses, was generally a man of integrity. He begs the Lord to examine his heart and bless him.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Jesus: The Master Teacher
The greatest teacher who ever lived was a carpenter from Nazareth. His benevolent influence is beyond dispute by even his critics.