Dinosaurs and the Bible
Was there ever a time when men and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time? What does the evidence indicate?
Is the Mormon Church the Restored Church?
The Mormon doctrine concerning the church is a maze of confusion and contradiction.
Did Jesus Institute Ceremonial “Feet-Washing”?
Why don’t most Christians practice church “feet-washing” today, since Jesus did say, “you ought to do this”? We are responding to this sincere question in this week’s Question period.
Baptism: Essentials and Nonessentials
Baptism is a very important rite in the divine scheme of salvation. But it is imperative that one be able to distinguish between the “essential” and “nonessential” items associated with the command. Study this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints.
Does Ezra Deserve Criticism?
After the return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra commanded certain men to put away their foreign wives. A professor in a Christian college has criticized the man of God for this action. Is the censure justified? Let’s take a look.
The Sexual Orientation Controversy
According to some “experts” sexual orientation is not something one can change. Some of the major studies reflecting these opinions have been done, of course, by the homosexuals themselves.
The Jesus Movie
Everyone understands that whenever Hollywood does a movie about some historical character, a good measure of literary license is taken.
Is It Wrong to Be Cruel to Animals?
Is animal life sacred? Is it wrong to be cruel to animals?
Was Melchizedek the Preincarnate Christ?
Was Melchizedek the preincarnate Christ?
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Armageddon: The Next of the “Left-Behind” Series
What Was the Book of Jashar?
What is the mysterious “Book of Jashar” referenced in the Old Testament?
Acts 4:32 – The Jerusalem Church of Christ
The Jerusalem church of Christ is a model that all churches should pattern themselves after. After all, they were operating under the direct instruction of the inspired apostles. The results are apparent in Acts 4:32.
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
The Resurrection of the Wicked
The Bible teaches that both the righteous and the wicked will be resurrected from the dead. Such being the case, what will be the difference in the composition of these respective bodies?
The Plague of Perversion
A new generation has steadily accepted a deadly plague that has descended on this age.
The Birthplace of Jesus: Bethlehem or Jerusalem?
Was Jesus born in Bethlem or Jerusalem? The Bible teaches it was Bethlehem. The Book of Mormon alleges it was in “the land of Jerusalem.” Examine the evidence for yourself.
Let Me Die the Death of the Righteous
When the matter is duly considered, the Bible reveals that there are some similarities and also some significant differences in the deaths of the righteous and the wicked.
Was Jesus “Gruff” and “Explosive”?
Sometimes well-meaning writers attribute to Christ incorrect attitudes or actions. We must be careful not to do that. Let us look carefully at this important issue.
How Is a Civil Ruler a Minister of God?
What is the relationship between the Christian and the government?