1 John 1:7 – The Cleansing Fountain
When the conditions God are happily met, one may be assured of the merciful pardon of Heaven.
Ezekiel 12:13 — The Blind Ruler
The prophet Ezekiel accurately prophesied the details of the capture of the king of Israel.
Testing the Spirits
A preacher or teacher must accept the heavy responsibility the Scriptures lay upon that role. His audience also has a responsibility—to test his message, whether or not it is from God.
Spiritualism — A Deadly Movement
Thousands of people labor under the illusion that some are able to contact the dead? What is to be said of such attempts? Is this merely a harmless superstition. Study this issue with us.
Richard Dawkins: God Hater
Richard Dawkins’s book, The God Delusion, received laudatory praise from the press for his diatribe against religion. Does his arguments against faith in God hold merit? Wayne Jackson responds.
The Skeptics’ Bogus Bounty
A response to a challenge from a dishonest infidel
Problems for the Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution is so besieged with problems that it’s amazing it is so widely believed.
Should Christians Pray for the Forgiveness of Their Sins?
This article discusses whether or not the Christian is required to pray for the forgiveness of his sins.
Dallas Professor Rebuffs Common Quibble on “Eis”
In a new volume on Greek grammar, Dr. Daniel Wallace (of the Dallas Theological Seminary), has made a monumental concession which devastates a common denominational rationalization relative to the meaning of eis in Acts 2:38.
Is a “Loveless Marriage” Scriptural Grounds for Divorce?
When “Sick at Heart” wrote to “Dear Abby” concerning her loveless marriage, Abby directed her to seek a “spiritual advisor.” One such advisor wrote in with his perspective. Was it spiritual? For advice to be spiritual and beneficial, it must be scriptural. Jason Jackson challenges “Reverend” Norman L. Conaway’s claim to be providing spiritual advice.
Modern Miracles—True or False?
Many religious groups, e.g., Catholics, Mormons, and Protestant Pentecostals, contend for modern miracles. Since the purpose of biblical miracles was to confirm the truth of a divinely given revelation, one would be forced to the conclusion that these conflicting sects all are teaching the truth. But how can this be? Truth is consistent.
The Value of the Old Testament for Today
Christians recognize that the New Testament Scriptures represent the body of sacred literature to which men are amenable today. But does that mean that we disregard the value of the Old Testament documents? Indeed not. These holy writings contribute to our spiritual well-being in a variety of ways. This week’s Penpoints explores some of these.
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
Fortifying the Faith of Our Children
Why do our children succumb to apostasy when they reach maturity? What can we do about it?
An Invitation to a Wayward People
What will it take for a wayward nation to repent? Perhaps this lesson from ancient Israel is a helpful reminder.
Confronting Islam: Examining the Qur’an
Should we avoid exposing the errors in the Qur’an to spare the feelings of our Moslem friends?
When Infidelity Fashions Faith
A person’s faith should be fashioned by the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, many have allowed their beliefs to be forged in the furnace of unbelief. Many do not realize how much liberalism has shaped their approach to the Bible.
Jesus Christ: Myth or Genuine History?
Bible critics charge that if Jesus Christ was a real historical character, there ought to be more in the Roman secular records about him. What may be said in response to this allegation?
A Highly Recommended New Book
Read this review of an important new book that is a virtual library of information on Christian evidences.
Are Apostates from the Faith beyond Repentance?
The writer of Hebrews speaks of those who are beyond the possibility of repentance (Heb. 6:6). Does this mean that if a Christian falls away from the faith, he can never return? Is it even possible for the child of God to apostatize —so as to be lost? This week’s Q&A segment addresses this issue.