Was Jehoshaphat King of Israel?
An explanation for an alleged contradiction concerning King Jehoshaphat
The Importance of Messianic Genealogy
It Christ’s genealogy important in establishing his identity as Messiah? Consider the evidence.
The Dangers of Youthful Exuberance
The apostle Paul taught Timothy how to conduct himself as a young gospel preacher—advice sorely needed today and in every generation.
The Philosophy of John Calvin
John Calvin was a tremendously influential person in Protestant history. But his Institutes reveals his philosophy towards the Holy Scriptures. Is this philosophy worthy of emulation?
One of Paul’s Final Prayers
In one of his final prayers, Paul prayed for those who had neglected him. What can we learn from this selfless act?
Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.
The Support of Gospel Preachers
Some preachers are pampered and unquestionably not worth what they make. On the other hand, there are others who simply are not treated fairly—consistent with the principle of the Golden Rule.
The Death of Matthew Shepard
Shepard was a twenty-one-year-old student at the University of Wyoming. He openly professed homosexuality. Apparently, he was lured from a bar and taken to a remote place; there he was tied to a fence, pistol-whipped, and left exposed in the cold. Eventually, he died.
The Influence of Home Life
Does the home influence the religious development of children?
Prophetic Portraits of the Messiah
The Old Testament has much to say about Jesus Christ. The following outline will prove helpful in learning more about our Savior.
Did Balaam Prophesy Concerning the Messiah?
What is the meaning of Balaam’s prophecy that begins: “I see him, but not now”?
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 1
Can we do more harm than good when defending the truth with incorrect reasoning?
The Holy Spirit and Jesus
The Holy Spirit was an active participant in the ministry of Christ.
Mohammed and His Religion
The Islamic system is growing rapidly in America, and Christians need to familiarize themselves with the history and basic teachings of this religion.
Two “Stewards”—A Study in Contrast
The matter of “stewardship” is a vital biblical concept. The following study in contrast is one that challenges the sincere child of God.
The Enigmatic William Barclay
William Barclay was a popular Scottish theologian who died in 1978. His books are immensely popular. But Barclay was a “mystery.” He was modernistic in many of his views; yet extremely instructive in other ways. Read this discussion regarding a hurtful, but helpful, scholar.
Do the Imprecatory Psalms and Christian Ethics Clash?
Troubled souls often raise such questions: If all parts of the Bible are equally inspired, how do you explain passages like Psalms 69:22-28, which call for punishment upon one’s enemies?
The Preacher and His Audience
Both the preacher and his audience have responsibilities in the kingdom of Christ.
What Is the Meaning of, “Destruction of the Flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5?
What is the meaning of the phrase, “the destruction of the flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5? Did it sanction the use of capital punishment in the church for immoral and/or heretical people?
Catholic Professor Protests
In 2003, we published a review of Dr. Thomas West’s book, Jesus and the Quest for Meaning. West is a Professor of Theology at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. In our review, we censured Professor West for his unorthodox ideas relative to the resurrection of Christ. The Professor has vigorously protested our essay. As a courtesy to him, we are publishing his letter of protest, and our response to the same.