A Note from Richard Dawkins
More Skull-Duggery
In July, 2002, another “sensational” fossil discovery was announced. A skull had been found that supposedly thrust humans back some six million years. What are the actual facts regarding this matter?
Nine Scientists Look at Religion
Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist, classifies religious faith as a “virus of the mind.” He and others of his kind desperately need to contract this virus!
An Atheistic Assault upon the “Design” Argument
An atheist thinks he has crafted an ingenious argument against the time-tested concept of “design demands an intelligent designer.” But his reasoning is logically flawed and internally inconsistent.
An Invitation to a Wayward People
What will it take for a wayward nation to repent? Perhaps this lesson from ancient Israel is a helpful reminder.
Ants: God’s Amazing Creatures
Ants are amazing little creatures. In many ways they exhibit “design,” hence argue for a Creator who designed them for their various functions.
1 Samuel 1:1 – Elkanah, the Ephraimite
The Old Testament identifies the father of Samuel the prophet as both a Levite and an Ephraimite. How can this be? Did the Old Testament writers make a mistake? Not hardly. Below is one possible explanation for the seeming conflict.
Lessons Learned Through Illness
There are several ways in which one may respond to illness. One is to try and learn from the experience and attempt to develop into a better person. Another is to become bitter and “sour” on life, making others around you miserable. The former is much to be preferred. Reflect with me on this matter.
Does God Condone Lying?
Did God cause people to lie by sending “lying spirits” to deceive?
Behold the Dreamer — More Psychojunk
A recent writer sought to “analyze” Joseph, and has given us one more example of “science” gone askew.
Evolution’s Useless-Organ Argument
A discussion of the so-called vestigial organs
Is Gambling a Moral Issue?
Is gambling a “moral” issue? Some suggest that it is not; it is merely a pragmatic issue.
Is Pledging One’s Weekly Contribution Wrong?
Is it wrong for the elders of a local congregation to ask the members to “pledge” what they intend to give each week into the church treasury for the coming year?
Hummingbird Metabolism – Amazing Design
The tiny hummingbird has a marvelously designed metabolic mechanism. Whence its origin — “Mother Nature” or God?
What Do You Really Know about Evolution?
Some years ago a few scientists declared that the theory of evolution was as well established as the rotundity of the earth. But evolution is still a theory, not a law. All of the basics of this theory stand in opposition to known science.
Three researchers combined their dubious talents to produce an article which attempted to argue the case that sexual activity between adults and children should not be classified as “abuse.”
What Is Lasciviousness?
In a number of places in the New Testament, the sin of lasciviousness is strongly condemned. Exactly what lasciviousness?
Killers Killing Killers
Murder is always a despicable act.
Disney: The Mouse Betrayed
Disney power-brokers deny “official dealings” with members of the “gay” community, but the evidence is overwhelming.
Does the English Standard Version Support Watchtower Doctrine?
The recently translated English Standard Version, in a passage dealing with the ultimate fate of the earth, speaks of the earth being “exposed” at the time of Christ’s return, rather than the common rendition “burned up” (2 Pet. 3:10). Does this translation provide comfort to the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”?