Mrs. Job — A Portrait of Defection
While Job is an example of how to endure hardship through patience and faith, his wife provides an interesting study of one who’s faith failed during tough times.
Developing Christian Confidence
Most of us would like to have more confidence. Unfortunately, too many people have grounded their confidence upon rotten foundations and have ignored the genuine basis of trust and boldness.
Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
Teresa’s “Exorcism”
It was recently announced that Roman Catholic nun, Teresa, received an “exorcism” just before her death. What is the Christian to make of this?
What Is A Cappella Music?
Did the first-century Christians employ mechanical instruments of music in their worship of God? If so, where is the evidence of such? If not, why did they refrain from such when instruments were readily available in that era?
So Help Me God
In the opening moments of the senate impeachment trial of President William Jefferson Clinton, ninety-six-year-old Strom Thurman asked the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court to place his hand on the Bible, and swear, before Almighty God, that he would execute faithfully his duties as judge in the legal business in progress.
Thinking Straight About Abortion
This essay discusses the illogical positions that many argue with reference to aborition.
False Teachers; Destructive Heresies – 2 Peter 2:1
Was Jesus “Gruff” and “Explosive”?
Sometimes well-meaning writers attribute to Christ incorrect attitudes or actions. We must be careful not to do that. Let us look carefully at this important issue.
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Starr’s Church of Christ — A Review
Because Kenneth Starr grew up associated with the church of Christ (we understand he currently worships with an Evangelical Bible Church), some have used the connection to vent personal, long-smoldering frustrations, firing both verbal and literary missiles at the Lord’s family.
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
Tora! Tora! . . . Torah!
For those who have any respect for the testimony of Scripture at all, the issue is clear. Moses was the author of the first five books of the Old Testament.
Do Human Beings Have an Immortal Soul?
Some contend that the Bible teaches that human beings possess an immortal soul. Others deny that this is the case. Where do the facts lie?
A Rose Is a Rose; Or Is It?
One dirty little trick used to confuse sincere people about the purpose of baptism.
Babies: Those “Awful” Creatures!
Why would someone claim that babies are awful creatures?
On Radicalism and Making Reckless Accusations
It is time for a return to an era of fidelity that is seasoned with common sense and brotherly concern.
1 Kings 4:21 – Solomon’s Kingdom
Premillenialists, desperately clinging to the notion that the “land promise” to the Israelites is yet unfulfilled, disregard clear Bible testimony.
Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
My Cup Runs Over
In that delightful twenty-third Psalm, the writer (most likely David) depicts the lavish blessings bestowed by God. Surely the devout child of God today can echo those sentiments in his own life.