The Indestructible Church of Christ
Some allege that the church of Christ, as established on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), has not existed in an unbroken line since that time. The allegation is false if the testimony of Scripture is dependable.
Galatians 4:4-5 – The Fullness of Time
The conditions of the first century world attest to the wonderful planning of God.
How Did the Samaritan Woman Know About the Messiah?
A Samaritan woman told Jesus that she knew about the coming Messiah. How did this lady know this fact?
The Trail of Tears
Why do people cry? The Bible mentions human tears more than 500 times.
The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
The conversion of the persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant events in the book of Acts. Tragically, the theme is frequently misunderstood. Study this case history with us.
Created in the Image of God
As a potter fashions clay into a vessel, the book of Genesis affirms that mankind was “created” in the very image of God. He is not the product of an ancient slime pit.
A Study of Matthew 24
Matthew chapter twenty-four is a largely symbolic chapter of the New Testament that has been misinterpreted in two extreme directions.
The Bible: Word of God or Mere Words of Men?
Is the Bible a divine document inspired of God? If so, to what degree? Is it merely in sense or in sentence? Are the very words of the text inspired?
The Devastating Effects of Divorce
The marriage principles found in the Bible have a purpose; they are designed for our benefit.
The Influence of Home Life
Does the home influence the religious development of children?
Are Some Sins Greater than Others?
Are some sins “greater” than others? There is a sense in which any sin will condemn. There is another sense in which greater responsibility is attached to some acts of sin. Explore this topic with us.
8 Mistaken Ideas About Baptism
Although baptism is mentioned dozens of times in the New Testament, the rite has been so grossly misunderstood in a great variety of ways.
Why Do People Refuse to Come to Jesus?
Jesus once proclaimed, “You refuse to come to me that you may have life” (Jn. 5:40). Why do some people refuse to come to Jesus?
Tradition Versus Scripture
How does one properly distinguish between God’s commandments and human tradition? How do these terms affect what we practice and preach?
Paul’s Discourse to the Elders at Ephesus
As Paul concludes his third missionary journey, he pauses at Miletus to meet with the elders of the church in Ephesus. His words are filled with admonition and exhortation, and they contain many wonderful truths needed by today’s church. This month’s Feature deals with the apostle’s address.
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
Was Jesus the Son of God Eternally?
There is a popular belief that Jesus Christ was the Son of God from all eternity. But is that theory correct? The following study argues otherwise.
Spiritualism — A Deadly Movement
Thousands of people labor under the illusion that some are able to contact the dead? What is to be said of such attempts? Is this merely a harmless superstition. Study this issue with us.
Five Alleged Mistakes in the Bible
A recent writer for a radical online magazine charged that the Bible is mistaken regarding five Old Testament texts. As it turns out, the article is wrong—on all five counts!
Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
Is the Bible a historically dependable book? If not, why should one trust it in redemptive matters? The fact is, however, the Scriptures have been demonstrated to be trustworthy in countless details. This week’s Question/Answer briefly addresses this issue.