Solomon’s Reflections on Death
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflected on some of the issues pertaining to death. His observations conflict with many modern religious ideas.
Where Does the Bible Condemn Gambling?
Why do so many Christians label gambling as a “sin” when the Bible doesn’t specifically condemn gambling?
He Restores My Soul
Does your soul need to be restored? The Great Shepherd of Psalm 23 promises to restore our souls.
Is It Okay to Lie Sometimes?
Obfuscation is a type of lying. It is a form of lying that attempts to “sneak” around the truth without being so blatant. This article addresses this type of under-the-table dishonesty.
Luke 1:35 – Gabriel vs. Mohammed
The Qur’an teaches that Gabriel delivered a revelation of God to Mohammed. But Mohammed’s message contradicts the Bible in a multitude of passages. Here is one of those instances.
Bertrand Russell and Christianity, Part 1
Part 1 in a two-part series on Bertrand Russell’s reasons why he rejected Christianity
Can God Be Seen?
How does one reconcile Bible passages which suggest that some “saw” God, but, on the other hand, God cannot be “seen”?
Firm Promises from God for Troubled Souls
When a Hebrew baby was given the name Ezekiel in the seventh century before Christ, it was almost prophetic of the spiritual resources the child would need for the years that awaited him.
Does the ESV Translation Promote “Faith Alone” Salvation?
Does the English Standard Version of the New Testament promote the doctrine of “salvation by faith alone” in Romans 10:9-10? No, but the translation is not as precise as it should be.
Should “Weak” Christians Be Disfellowshipped?
Should Christians who are merely “weak” be subject to the disfellowship process?
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
Did the Early Church Observe the Lord’s Supper on a Daily Basis?
Traditionally, churches of Christ have observed the Lord’s supper each Sunday — and only on that day. Now, some are suggesting there is New Testament authority for daily communion, or for the serving of the supper on days other than the Lord’s day. Unfortunately for those who so argue, the New Testament “authority” for this evolving procedure is missing.
2 Samuel 23:2 — Verbal Inspiration
In what sense is the Bible “inspired”? This passage affirms that the very words of the Bible are God’s.
Isaiah 20:1 – Isaiah: Right Again!
Archaeology, once again, confirms the accuracy of the biblical record.
Enuma Elish: A Babylonian “Creation” Account
An ancient archaeological find shows striking similarities between the Babylonians’ understanding of the history of creation and the creation account of Genesis.
Questions for God
A survey in USA Today reports the most popular questions people would like to ask God. Most of these questions have already been answered within the pages of his Holy Book.
Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?
Is the mosquito a legitimate example of a “silly” creation?
Fellow Workers for the Truth
How were some “fellow workers” (3 Jn. 8) received who had a commendation from the apostle John? While the “beloved apostle” commended Gaius, who “received” the church workers, others were censured for snubbing their noses, and treating the endorsed Christians like itinerate church cons.
Did Jesus Eat the Passover Supper?
Do the Gospel Accounts contradict themselves in the matter of whether Jesus ate the Passover Supper?
Six Great Truths Cornelius Can Teach Us
Acts 10:33 throws a floodlight upon the religious convictions and noble character of Cornelius, the obedient Gentile.